Apply for a provisional certificate of registration for an aircraft

A provisional certificate of registration is a short-term option to relocate an aircraft that isn’t registered in Canada or in another country. It’s meant for an individual or entity who won't be flying the aircraft after it’s imported or when the ferry flight within Canada is finished.

A provisional certificate of registration expires after a specific date, or when the aircraft arrives at a specific destination.

On this page

Flight authority

The aircraft must be eligible for a Canadian flight authority, usually a flight permit, before it can be provisionally registered. Contact a Civil Aviation Safety Inspector -  Airworthiness to get a letter or email that says the aircraft is eligible for a flight authority. Before you operate the aircraft, it must have a valid flight authority.

After the provisional certificate of registration is issued, contact the CASI again for issue of the flight permit.

If you operate the aircraft outside of Canada with a flight permit, the flight permit must be validated by the country where you fly the aircraft.

Limits of use

A provisional certificate of registration can’t be converted to a continuing certificate of registration. If you want to continue to fly in Canada, you must apply for a certificate of registration.

A provisional certificate of registration can’t be transferred to a new owner. If the aircraft is transferred to a new owner, the new owner may not fly the aircraft until they have a new certificate of registration

Fee and service standard

Actual processing times can vary depending on how complex and complete your request is.

Time is counted by working days and starts once we receive a complete application and all the required documents and fee.

Fee and service standard for a provisional certificate of registration


Service standard

Provisional certificate of registration 

60 working days  

Learn more about the Service Fees Act.

Information you need to provide

You will need:

  • proof of identity
  • registration mark
  • eligibility for flight authority
  • flight details

If the aircraft is being imported, a notification of de-registration or non-registration must be received by Transport Canada from the exporting country before the aircraft can be provisionally registered in Canada.

Proof of identity

  • For an individual: a valid Canadian government-issued ID that proves name, age, and Canadian citizenship or permanent residency. Examples include:
    • a provincial birth certificate
    • the photo page of a Canadian passport
    • the photo page of an Aviation Document Booklet, or
    • a permanent resident card (front and back)
    • A driver’s licence can’t be used since it doesn’t show citizenship.
  • For an entity: a Canadian certificate of incorporation or formation and a document that gives signing authority to the person who is applying. Examples include:
    • Resolutions of the Directors, or
    • Corporate Annual Return

Registration mark

  • If the aircraft already has a Canadian registration mark, have the mark available
  • If the aircraft doesn’t have a Canadian registration mark and you haven’t reserved a mark, we will assign the next available mark
  • If you’ve reserved a mark, have your mark available (you must wait until your mark reservation is confirmed before applying to register your aircraft)

Flight authority

Flight details

  • Purpose of the flight
  • Departure point and destination
  • Approximate date range of the flight

How to apply

To apply for a provisional certificate of registration:

  1. Pay using the online payment system (select “Aircraft certificate of registration”) 
  2. Complete Application For Registration of Aircraft (Not For Ultra-Light Aeroplanes) – Form 26-0522, or Application For Registration of Ultra-Light or Advanced Ultra-Light Aeroplanes - Form 26-0521
  3. Gather the information you need to provide
  4. Email your request to a Transport Canada Centre with “PROVISIONAL Certificate of Registration” in the subject line and include the completed application form, the information you need to provide and the receipt number from the online payment system