LOCATION: Regional (Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia)

Issue: On December 23, 2022, Via Rail trains 14 and 15 (Ocean) and trains 601 and 603 (Montréal-Senneterre-Jonquière), were delayed/cancelled due to the downing of trees onto Canadian National railway (CN) infrastructure.

Date: February 13, 2023

Suggested responses 

  • Canadians deserve and rightfully expect to experience a passenger rail service that is safe, secure, and reliable.
  • From December 23-24, 2022, VIA Rail experienced service disruptions to its Ocean and Montréal-Senneterre-Jonquière routes due to circumstances related to extreme weather conditions, including power outages, trees on the tracks, and a freight train derailment.
  • VIA Rail is reviewing its incident response protocols and communications for passengers onboard stranded trains.
  • In response to its service disruptions, VIA Rail is offering a full refund to affected passengers, along with travel credits for those whose trains were completely immobilized.
  • On January 10, 2023, VIA Rail issued a news release acknowledging the situation and the need for the organization to make changes. They will be working with outside experts to review their planning, operational response, and protocols around customer care and communications.
  • As a Crown corporation, VIA Rail operates at arm’s length from the Government of Canada. VIA Rail’s Board of Directors is responsible for investigating and reviewing its services, including its response to service disruptions.
  • Transport Canada’s priority is to provide Canadians with an efficient, safe, and secure transportation system. When major incidents occur, Transport Canada has response measures in place, and works with stakeholders to gather information to support oversight activities.

Background Information

Due to extreme weather conditions on December 23, 2022 (downing of trees onto tracks, etc.) VIA Rail experienced service disruptions to both its Ocean (Montreal to Halifax) and Montréal-Senneterre-Jonquière routes. Passengers travelling on VIA Rail’s Ocean were initially delayed several hours and ultimately routed back to their point of origin. Passengers travelling on VIA Rail’s Montréal-Jonquière experienced delays several hours long and then were ultimately given the option to travel by bus back to Montreal or to Jonquière. Passengers travelling on VIA Rail’s Montreal-Senneterre route were initially delayed several hours but then proceeded by train to their destination.

VIA Rail resumed its regular schedule for the Ocean and Montréal-Senneterre-Jonquière routes on December 25. Roughly 700 passengers were affected and VIA Rail has provided all passengers affected with a refund. Where VIA Rail was unable to provide hotel and meal accommodations, a travel credit equivalent to the value of their VIA Rail ticket was also issued. 

Both VIA and Canadian National (CN) Railway have appeared before the TRAN Committee to discuss the events that transpired over the holiday period. TC will review any recommendations that TRAN issues from this appearance.