ISSUE/SOURCE: Supply Chains

DATE: February 9, 2022


  • Ensuring that Canada’s supply chains are strong and resilient is a top priority for the Government of Canada.
  • Canada’s transportation supply chains have been significantly impacted by the global COVID-19 pandemic and recent extreme weather events. These disruptions impact the daily lives of Canadians and the ability of our economy to grow.
  • That is why the Government of Canada has been collaborating with industry to identify ways to mitigate supply chain pressures, and encouraging partners to come up with innovative solutions.
  • The Government of Canada is also making important strategic investments through the National Trade Corridors Fund to alleviate congestion and bottlenecks in our supply chains while building back better for lasting solutions.


Collaboration with Industry Partners

  • Building on the National Summit on January 31, 2022, there will be a series of regional and industry roundtables to continue these important conversations.
  • A Supply Chain Task Force will also be created  to consult with industry experts and make recommendations regarding short and long-term actions.

Strategic Invesments

  • Transport Canada currently has two Calls for Proposals under the National Trade Corridors Fund that seeks to increase supply chain fluidity and relieve supply chain congestion at ports.
  • The Department will continue to invest in projects that reduce bottlenecks and capacity constraints to help strengthen our supply chains while building smarter and more resilient against our changing climate.


  • The transportation sector is essential to the success of the Canadian economy – serving as an integral component of supply chain flows that function as the backbone of domestic and international trade. 
  • Fast action and a collaborative approach to the B.C. recovery efforts has served as a successful model how all orders of government and industry can come together in partnership.
  • Since the creation of the National Trade Corridors Fund (NTCF), the Government of Canada has announced over 100 projects and committed more than $2.1 billion supporting marine, air, rail, and road projects.
  • On December 9, 2021, a Call for Proposals was launched under the NTCF focusing on increasing the fluidity of Canada’s supply chains. The call seeks to advance funding under two investment themes: (i) strengthening Canada’s connections to global markets; and (ii) building internal trade corridors. The new call accepts expressions of interest until March 31, 2022. Successful applicants will be invited to submit a comprehensive project proposal by June 30, 2022.
  • On January 31, 2022, a new targeted Call for Proposals was launched under the NTCF to assist to assist Canadian ports with the acquisition of cargo storage capacity and other measures to relieve supply chain congestion. The fund will dedicate up to $50M to support eligible priority projects. The call is open for four weeks.