Thank you, Mr. Chair, for inviting me to meet with the Committee today.

Allow me to congratulate you on your election as Chair, and to also extend a warm welcome to the new members of this Committee.

I look forward to working with all of you.

J’ai hâte de travailler avec vous.

I would like to begin by noting that I’m  joining you today from the traditional territory of the Algonquin and Anishinaabe Peoples.

I’m pleased to be joined by:

  • Michael Keenan, the Deputy Minister of Transport,
  • Serge Bijimine, Assistant Deputy Minister, Policy, and
  • Aaron McCrorie, Associate Assistant Deputy Minister, Safety & Security

Mr. Chair, it’s an honour to speak today about the priorities outlined in my recent mandate letter from the Prime Minister.

But first let me address the action our government has taken this week:


  • The illegal blockades across our country are putting Canadian jobs at risk and are having a significant impact on our economy.
  • Les blocages mettent en péril notre économie.
    • The Ambassador Bridge Blockade: affected around $390 million in trade each day;
    • The Coutts Blockade affected around $48 million in trade each day;
    • The Emerson crossing blockade affected around $73 million in trade each day; and
    • A significant number of business owners had to close their shops and workers shifts were cancelled.
  • This is not how we do things in Canada and our government is acting to enforce the law.
  • Our message to the occupiers is clear: go home.

Travel Measures

We have always said that we will adjust our border measures based on public health recommendations.

That is why on Tuesday we announced as of February 28th, the ban on international flights at all airports that would normally receive international flights will be lifted.

This is good news for communities like Windsor, London, Fort McMurray, Moncton and many more.

By receiving international flights, we will support local tourism, create good jobs, and grow our economy.

Mandate Letter

Now to discuss my mandate letter.

Je vais maintenant parler de ma lettre de mandat.

I am committed to delivering on all of the priorities, but in the interest of time, I will focus on the work being done in a few key areas.


The COVID-19 pandemic continues to significantly affect the transportation sector here in Canada and around the world. My highest priority as Transport Minister is an efficient and safe transportation system and, for that to happen, we need to do everything possible to put the pandemic behind us;  and we know that vaccination is our best tool to end this pandemic.

In response, Transport Canada has introduced a multi-layered approach, which includes mandatory vaccination for all travellers on interprovincial trains, commercial flights, cruise ships, and other federally regulated vessels.

We have also mandated COVID-19 vaccination for federally regulated transportation sector workers. I want to thank all our workers in the transportation sector who have worked tirelessly throughout the pandemic, delivered for Canadians, and have rolled up their sleeves to get vaccinated and keep our communities safe.

Supply Chain

Globally, supply chains are under pressure on a number of fronts. This isn’t a uniquely Canadian challenge – it is a global one – a global health crisis We know the supply chain is top of mind for Canadians, and I can assure you that it is also top of mind for our Government.

All things considered, Canada has been relatively successful in keeping goods moving.

But no system is perfect, and global supply, demand issues, and labour shortages, compounded by recent extreme weather events have affected us in Canada.

That’s why we are working to make our supply chain even stronger and to ensure that what Canadians need reaches their households as quickly as possible.

Last month, I hosted a National Supply Chain Summit with Minister’s Bibeau, Ng, Champagne, Qualtrough, and O’Regan, where we met with industry, shippers, and organizations that play a role in Canada’s supply chain to address challenges, develop strategies, and determine the next steps.

Following that, I was pleased to announce:

  • We will create a new Supply Chain Task Force;
  • A new 50 million dollar call for proposals under the National Trade Corridors Fund.

The conversations had at the Summit were just the beginning. The work will continue and follow up sessions are being organized.

We are also in the final stages of our Port Modernization Review, which I am committed to completing in due course, and which will help us position Canada’s ports to respond to supply chain pressures and contribute to economic growth.

Air Sector

It is clear that the pandemic has impacted the air sector particularly hard.

La pandémie a eu des impacts sur notre secteur aérien.

The Government of Canada has made over $11 billion available to support Canada’s air sector.

This includes infrastructure and operational funding at airports, rent relief, support for air carrier services to remote and northern communities, and financing for air carriers to help sustain financial viability and ensure refunds for Canadians and the restoration of regional services.

As we work toward the safe restart of a competitive and viable air sector, I’m taking steps to rebuild public confidence in the sector, including helping to ensure efficient and affordable travel options, strengthening air passenger rights, and helping the sector adopt advanced technology.

Environmental Measures

The Prime Minister has also asked me to support Canada’s transition to net zero. We know reducing emissions in the transportation sector is key to reaching our climate goals. That’s why we are offering incentives to make zero-emission vehicles – or ZEVs – more affordable and accessible to Canadians.

By the end of January 2022, over 130,000 Canadians and Canadian businesses have benefited from the Incentive for Zero-Emission Vehicles Program.

I also emphasized the need for ZEV adoption at COP 26 with our international partners.

Transport Canada is also developing a strategy to reduce road freight, air and marine emissions.

This includes working with our Clydebank Declaration partners to establish green marine shipping corridors.

I am thrilled to say that the Port of Montreal and the Port of Antwerp recently signed an agreement to create the first green shipping lane in the world.


The High Frequency Rail project will transform passenger rail service between Quebec City and Toronto.

It will allow Canadians to get to their families faster, better connect our businesses, while reducing road congestion and providing a low-emission travel alternative.

We are working to launch the procurement process as soon as possible.

Nous travaillons pour lancer le processus d’approvisionnement le plus rapidement possible.


In closing, the measures outlined in my mandate letter reflect the Government of Canada’s commitment to delivering transportation policies and programs that promote safe, secure, efficient, and environmentally responsible transportation.

As always, I’m grateful to the Committee for its input on transportation issues and I look forward to continuing our work together.

With that, Mr. Chair, I conclude my opening remarks.

I would be pleased to answer the Committee’s questions.

Je suis prêt à répondre aux questions.