Date: MARCH 16, 2022

Suggested Responses

  • Ensuring that Canada’s supply chains are strong and resilient is a top priority for the Government of Canada.
  • Canada’s supply chains continue to demonstrate resilience despite global and domestic challenges, including the combined effects of the pandemic, extreme weather events, labour shortages, and more recently by increased global uncertainties.
  • Building on the recent National Summit in January, the Government has been holding roundtables with industry and other supply chain partners to continue seeking innovative solutons to help mitigate supply chain pressures and these will continue over the coming weeks.  
  • A Supply Chain Task Force will also be created to consult with industry experts and make recommendations regarding short and long-term actions.


Strategic Invesments

  • The Government of Canada is making important strategic investments through the $4.2 billion National Trade Corridors Fund (NTCF) to alleviate congestion and bottlenecks in our supply chains while building back better for lasting solutions.
  • In December, a call for proposals was launched under the NTCF focused on increasing the fluidity of Canada’s supply chains. Expressions of interest are to be submitted by March 31, 2022.


  • On January 31, 2022, Minister Alghabra hosted a National Supply Chain Summit, with five ministerial colleagues, to initiate a discussion with transportation and other industry stakeholders towards supply chain solutions under the themes of: new partnerships, innovation, infrastructure, labour and skills shortages, and agriculture/agri-food.
  • Subsequently, three additional roundtables hosted by Parliamentary Secretaries were held on agriculture, supply chain innovation, and labour and skills development, with additional regional roundtables to be scheduled in the coming weeks.
  • Further to an announcement by Minister Alghabra at the Summit, it is anticipated that a Supply Chain Task Force will be appointed in the near-term to provide advice to the Minister regarding potential action areas that should be pursued, in both the short- and long-term, to address both chronic and acute supply chain congestion and inefficiency issues.
  • Since the creation of the National Trade Corridors Fund (NTCF), the Government of Canada has announced over 100 projects and committed more than $2.1 billion, leveraging over $4.4 billion in total investments from public and private partners. The $50 million targeted call for proposals to assist Canadian ports with the acquisition of cargo storage closed on February 25, 2022.