Part V - Standard 571 - Maintenance

Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs) 2019-1

See also Subpart 571

  • 571.01 - Application
  • 571.02 - Maintenance and Elementary Work Performance Rules
  • 571.03 - Recording of Maintenance and Elementary Work
  • 571.04 - Specialized Maintenance
  • 571.05 - Maintenance of Aeroplanes or Helicopters Operated Pursuant to Part IV of the CARs or Aircraft operated pursuant to Part VII of the CARs
  • 571.06 - Repairs and Modifications
  • 571.07 - Installation of New Parts
  • 571.08 - Installation of Used Parts
  • 571.09 - Installation and Disposal of Life - Limited Parts
  • 571.10 - Maintenance Release
  • 571.11 - Persons Who May Sign a Maintenance Release
  • 571.12 - Reporting of Major Repairs or Major Modifications
  • 571.13 - Installation of Parts (General)
  • Appendix A - Criteria for the Classification of Modifications and Repairs
  • Appendix B - Altimeter System Test and Inspection
  • Appendix C - Aircraft Weight and Balance Control
  • Appendix D - Field Repair of Aircraft Propellers
  • Appendix E - Inspection of Aircraft Wooden Components
  • Appendix F - ATC Transponder Performance Tests
  • Appendix G - Maintenance of Emergency Locator Transmitters (ELTs)
  • Appendix H - Process to Evaluate Undocumented Aircraft Parts
  • Appendix I - Reserved
  • Appendix J - Authorized Release Certificate
  • Appendix K - Training to perform Specific Non-destructive Testing (NDT) Tasks
  • Appendix L - Major Repair or Major Modification Report
  • Appendix M - On Type Maintenance Training Courses