Standard 501 - Annual Airworthiness Information Report - Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs)

Last amendment to chapter: 2020/01/01

See also Subpart 501

Table of contents


Second Edition

Effective: October 10, 1996

The first edition of Chapter 501 is effectively amendment 501-8. However, in line with the Canadian Aviation Regulations, with the exception of the terms and definitions which are now addressed in the CARs Part I, its content has been moved to Subpart 500 of the Canadian Aviation Regulations, and Chapter 500 of the Airworthiness Manual which will be published shortly.

The new version of Chapter 501 sets out the standards and procedures in regard to the submission of the Annual Airworthiness Information Report. Its content comes from Subchapter 507F and AMA 507F/1.

501.01 Requirement to Report

(1) Unless a consolidated fleet report is used in accordance with subsection (2), or an aircraft is reported out of service in accordance with subsection (3), aircraft owners shall submit an Annual Airworthiness Information Report (AAIR) by the following means:
(effective 2020/01/01)

  • (a) online through the Continuing Airworthiness Web Information System (CAWIS); or
    (effective 2020/01/01)
  • (b) by regular mail or fax using form # 24-0059, available through Transport Canada’s website.
    (effective 2020/01/01)

As required by section 501.02 of the Canadian Aviation Regulations, the report shall include either additions of new information or corrections to any current Transport Canada (TC) information. The report shall be submitted to Transport Canada no later than the due date. Detailed instructions on how to complete the AAIR can be found on the online form or on the second page of form # 24-0059.
(effective 2020/01/01)

Information notes:
(effective 2020/01/01)

  • (i) On an annual basis, several weeks before the established AAIR due date, Transport Canada will remind aircraft owners of their responsibility to submit their AAIR to the Minister pursuant to section 501.03 of the Canadian Aviation Regulations.
  • (ii) Aircraft owners are required to notify Transport Canada of any changes to their contact information within seven (7) days of the change.
  • (iii) For the purpose of the AAIR, the reporting period is January 1st to December 31st of the previous calendar year.


  • (a) The owner of two or more aircraft can request approval to submit a single consolidated fleet report for some, or all, of his/her aircraft in lieu of submitting individual reports in respect of each of those aircraft.
  • (b) The application shall be made to Transport Canada’s National Aircraft Certification branch in headquarters.
    (effective 2020/01/01)
  • (c) Operators shall submit consolidated fleet reports on or before the established due date as per section 501.03 of the Canadian Aviation Regulations. The fleet report shall be delivered in an acceptable form and manner, and contain information for each individual aircraft in the fleet.
    (effective 2020/01/01)

Information note:
(effective 2020/01/01)

On an annual basis, a notice is sent to aircraft owners at least six (6) weeks prior to the due date in order to remind them to complete their consolidated fleet report. Operators are required to notify Transport Canada of any changes to their contact information within seven (7) days of the change.


  • (a) Except as specified in paragraph (c), an owner who has declared an aircraft “out of service” for more than one calendar year, is not required to report unless:
    (effective 2020/01/01)
    • (i) the owner is asked to do so by the Minister;
    • (ii) the aircraft was returned to service; or
    • (iii) the aircraft has been “out of service” for a period of five (5) complete calendar years.

Information note:
(effective 2020/01/01)

Transport Canada will not send another notice or pre-printed form #24-0059 to the owner until the calendar year the owner has indicated the aircraft will return to service.

  • (b) Relief from the reporting requirements detailed in paragraph (a) does not relieve the owner from the obligation to notify the Minister forthwith, when the aircraft is brought back into service, whether before, after, or on the date previously forecast. This notification must be submitted to Transport Canada’s National Aircraft Certification branch in headquarters.
    (effective 2020/01/01)

Information note:
(deleted 2020/01/01)

  • (c) The status of any out of service aircraft shall be indicated on the applicable consolidated fleet report.

501.02 Reportable Information

(1) Pursuant to the requirements of section 501.02 of the Canadian Aviation Regulations, the following information shall be provided in the Annual Airworthiness Information Report:
(effective 2020/01/01)

  • (a) Registration marks;
    (effective 2020/01/01)
  • (b) Aircraft total hours flown since new, and aircraft hours flown in the last calendar year;
  • (c) Except for an aircraft being operated pursuant to Part IV or Part VII of the Canadian Aviation Regulations:
    (effective 2020/01/01)
    • (i) the most recent aircraft annual inspection or equivalent inspection date;
    • (ii) the name and licence number of the Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (AME) or the name and approval number of the Approved Maintenance Organization (AMO), who certified the inspection; and
    • (iii) for aircraft with a special certificate of airworthiness in the owner-maintenance or amateur-built classification, the name of the person who conducted the inspection;
  • (d) Whether the aircraft was significantly damaged since the last report and, if applicable, the date of repair certification;
  • (e) Applicable Type Certificate number;
    (effective 2020/01/01)

Information note:

Prior to the introduction of the Canadian Aviation Regulations, Transport Canada had shown the approval of a type design by the issue of a Type Approval. Where no Type Certificate has been issued, the previous Canadian Type Approval number, or in some cases the FAA Type Certificate number, is to be inserted into this area.

  • (f) Aircraft base of operation;
    (effective 2020/01/01)
  • (g) Transport Canada region in which the aircraft is registered;
    (effective 2020/01/01)
  • (h) Type of flight authority;
    (effective 2020/01/01)
  • (i) Type of registration (i.e. private, commercial or state);
    (effective 2020/01/01)
  • (j) Aircraft make, model and serial number;
    (effective 2020/01/01)
  • (k) Aircraft empty weight (last weighed or amended), latest maximum certified take-off weight and landing gear configuration for each of these;
    (effective 2020/01/01)
  • (l) Engine(s), make, model and serial number(s), if applicable;
    (effective 2020/01/01)
  • (m) Propeller(s), make, model and serial number(s), if applicable;
    (effective 2020/01/01)
  • (n) Skis, make and model, if applicable;
    (effective 2020/01/01)
  • (o) Floats, make and model, if applicable; and,
    (effective 2020/01/01)
  • (p) Certification, by the date and signature of the registered owner or authorized agent, that the reported information is correct.
    (effective 2020/01/01)

Information notes:
(effective 2020/01/01)

  • (i) Current Transport Canada information related to the aircraft will be populated on the AAIR, for checking and correction purposes.
  • (ii) Aircraft total hours flown since new shall be up to December 31st of the reporting period; hours flown in the last calendar year refers to January 1st to December 31st of the reporting period.
  • (iii) In the case where a report is submitted via the Transport Canada website, the use of a Transport Canada supplied confidential access code will constitute the equivalent certification for the date and signature of the owner upon clicking submit.

(2) When submitting their AAIR, air operators and flight training units may also include total flight hours spent training or other aerial work activities, for the same reporting period.
(effective 2020/01/01)

Information note:
(deleted 2020/01/01)

501.03 Reporting Schedule

Where the owner of an aircraft requests an alternate reporting due date, a request shall be submitted to Transport Canada’s National Aircraft Certification branch in headquarters.
(effective 2020/01/01)

Annual Airworthiness Information Report - Form #24-0059
(effective 2020/01/01)

Appendix A (deleted 2020/01/01)