Let’s Talk Marine Safety – Modernizing vessel traffic services

Current status: Open

Open on July 11, 2022 and will close on September 12, 2022.

Canada tracks and manages marine traffic via three different regulations. Transport Canada wants your feedback on creating a new regulation to replace these three existing regulations.

Transport Canada is proposing to:   

  • combine and update the Vessel Traffic Services Zones Regulations, the Northern Canada Vessel Traffic Services Zone Regulations and the Eastern Canada Vessel Traffic Services Zone Regulations
  • make sure that applications are consistent between all three regulations
  • make the regulations more flexible so they can be used as technology evolves
  • streamline reporting requirements so they’re consistent through Vessel Traffic Services zones
  • add new mandatory reporting requirements which are already included in the in the Canadian Coast Guard’s Radio Aids to Marine Navigation

How to participate

To submit comments, register at Let’s Talk Transportation. Share your comments about our discussion questions or upload a document through the Submissions tab.

Who is this consultation for?

All Canadians are invited to participate in the online consultation. Those with a particular interest may include mariners and the marine industry in general.

Discussion questions

  • Do you agree or disagree with the regulation we’ve proposed?

  • Do you have concerns about the updates we want to make to the (Proposed) Vessel Traffic Services Regulations?

Related information

Contact us

Transport Canada
Tower C, Place de Ville
330 Sparks St.
Ottawa ON K1A 0N5