Rail jobs

Discover your route: Rail transportation

With over 49,000 kilometers of track, Canada has the 5th largest rail network in the world. Railways helped shape our country, and still move most of Canada’s freight. Canada’s railways move goods to market and get people where they need to go.

Do you want to bring Canadian goods to market and Canadians with the potential to see the Continent? A career in the rail sector might be right for you!

On this page

What jobs are available in rail transportation?

Via Rail train in winter

On average, railway employees earn around $99,000 a year. This makes them some of the highest paid people in Canada’s transportation sector.

There are many different jobs in rail transportation. Here are just a few:

  • railway conductors control train movement
  • locomotive engineers operate trains
  • railway technicians maintain track safety and respond to emergencies
  • rail traffic controllers control the flow of traffic by reviewing train schedules and communicating with train personnel
  • inspectors to ensure a safe and secure rail transportation system (e.g. Transport Canada)

Skills and training

Once you’ve chosen the job you’d like to pursue, you’ll need training.

Across Canada, you’ll need different types of training depending on the job you want. Some training is offered directly through railways, but some jobs may require you to take courses through an accredited institution.

While these programs will vary, all programs will:

  • help you understand legal requirements like the Rail Safety Act and the Canadian Rail Operating Rules, and
  • can include both in-class work and hands-on experience

Learn about an occupation

To explore occupations in Canada’s rail sector, visit these job profile reports on Job Bank – the leading source of jobs and labour market information in the country. Each report includes information about wages, career prospects, skills, job requirements and more.

Apply for a job in rail transportation

A career in rail systems can work for you at many levels. Whether moving passengers across or between cities, or moving cargo and tourists across the continent there’s a spot for you in the industry. Here’s a few links to get you started.

Find available jobs in your area by using the national Job Bank:

Other Rail Careers:

Information for employers

If you operate a Class I, II, or III railway, here are some resources from the Government of Canada to help you attract, retain, and train employees: