Published Findings and Management Action Plan - Staffing and Classification


Transport Canada's Integrity Office received a disclosure of wrongdoing, alleging that former senior executives within the Human Resources Directorate committed wrongdoing as defined under paragraphs 8(c) and 8(e) of the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act, specifically, gross mismanagement and a serious breach of the code of conduct.  The allegations pertained to:

  1. Incorrect classification and staffing of positions
  2. Workplace intimidation and a toxic work environment

Conclusion and recommendations

Following its investigation, the Integrity Office concludes that the allegations brought forward are founded, as the actions of the individuals investigated went against people management policies by inappropriately staffing and classifying positions. Their actions, which included ignoring expert advice, created a culture where staff felt they could not speak of their concerns without fear of being marginalized and excluded.

The Integrity Office recognizes that the senior executives who were the subject of this investigation are no longer with the Department and that the current executive team within the Human Resources Directorate has changed. The workplace environment has also improved, as illustrated by the most recent results of the Public Service Employee Surveys. In addition, Treasury Board’s recent Policy on People Management – which came into force in April 2020 – further addresses the shortfalls that led to the findings of the investigation. Nonetheless, given the relatively recent occurrence of founded wrongdoing in the Human Resources Directorate, the Integrity Office recommends that:

  • The Assistant Deputy Minister (ADM) Corporate Services seek independent advice as required to promptly address complaints/grievances from Human Resources Directorate employees or should questions be raised concerning Human Resources Directorate staffing/classification/pay actions.
  • The ADM Corporate Services continue to closely monitor the Human Resources Directorate workplace and request a neutral third-party intervention as required should issues be brought to their attention.

Management Action Plan:

# Recommendations Detailed action plan  Date of completion
1. The ADM Corporate Services should seek independent advice as required to promptly address complaints/grievances from Human Resources Directorate employees or should questions be raised concerning Human Resources Directorate staffing/classification/pay actions. 

a.    The Human Resources Directorate will develop a compendium of potential independent third-party resources to provide an evaluation of the issue(s) and advice/ recommendations to resolve it.

b.    The Human Resources Directorate will review current grievance step charts for the branch to ensure impartiality at the final level. 

April 30, 2021 

April 30, 2021

2. The ADM Corporate Services should continue to closely monitor the Human Resources Directorate workplace and request a neutral third party intervention as required should issues be brought to their attention. The Human Resources Directorate will continue to use the Public Service Employee Survey results to measure workplace issues and report them to the ADM Corporate Services. This will be one tool used to measure employees’ trust and satisfaction in Transport Canada as a department, and the Public Service as a whole. 

The Human Resources Directorate (HRD) will conduct periodic pulse surveys* bi-annually with its employees to monitor and assess the work environment on a regular basis. (*could be HRD data extracted from a broader TC pulse survey, or a survey directed at HRD staff only)

The Human Resources Directorate workplace will be added as a standing item on the ADM Corporate Service bi-lateral meetings with the DG Human Resources, to discuss potential issues or concerns raised by employees.

Annually: beginning June 2021
Based on refreshed PSES results effective June 2021 when the PSES 2020 results become available at the entity level.

Bi-annually:  beginning April 2021

April 30, 2021