2024-25 Horizontal Initiative – Oceans Protection Plan

General information

Name of horizontal initiative: Oceans Protection Plan (OPP)

Lead department: Transport Canada (TC)

Federal partner departments:  

  • Canadian Coast Guard (CCG)
  • Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC)
  • Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO)
  • Health Canada (HC)
  • Natural Resources Canada (NRC)

Start date: November 2016

End date: March 31, 2031

Description: The OPP continues to advance measures to prevent and respond to marine pollution incidents, address abandoned, wrecked, and hazardous vessels, and take action to restore coastal habitats and mitigate the impact of day-to-day vessel operations on marine mammals.

Through the OPP, TC and OPP-partner departments are taking action to improve marine safety and enforce responsible shipping practices. These contributions are helping to protect Canada’s waters and marine environment, restore and protect marine ecosystems and habitats, and improve collaboration with Indigenous and coastal communities.

Governance structures: An interdepartmental senior management oversight committee is in place to maintain oversight of activities, facilitate coordination amongst departments, and provide strategic direction on the OPP. The committee is responsible for reviewing the interdepartmental reporting structure and overseeing the interdepartmental delivery of the OPP.

Total federal funding allocated from start to end date (dollars): $2.03 billion (cash)

Total federal planned spending to date (dollars): $2.03 billion (cash)

Total federal actual spending to date (dollars): $146.7 million (reflects spending at year end 2022-23)

Date of last renewal of initiative: July 19, 2022

Total federal funding allocated at the last renewal and source of funding (dollars): $2.03 billion (cash) through Budget 2022

Additional federal funding received after the last renewal (dollars): Not applicable.

Total planned spending since the last renewal: $2.03 billion

Total actual spending since the last renewal: $146.7 million

Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation: 2026-27

Planning highlights: 

Throughout 2024–25, advancements will be made across all four pillars of the OPP. Under the Marine Safety pillar, the Navigational Safety Assessment Program is planned to be fully operational in 2024-25 to better align navigation safety reviews for marine terminal and transshipment sites with the federal government’s regulatory review process. The program will remove the duplication of operating parallel assessment processes, creating efficiencies that aid TC in meeting its obligations under the Impact Assessment Act, and provide national consistency and predictability for project proponents, stakeholders, and Indigenous Peoples. TC will also aim to publish the new Environmental Response Regulations in the Canada Gazette Part 1. DFO’s Modern Hydrography Advancing Arctic Surveying and Charting and Indigenous Community-Based Hydrographic Data Collection initiative aims to continue building capacity with Indigenous and coastal communities and to develop a prototype product for rapidly changing areas. It also aims to conduct high-resolution bathymetric surveys at various targeted locations throughout the Arctic with the goal of increasing modern Electronic Navigational Chart (ENC) coverage and improving the safety of navigation. ECCC aims to release a discussion paper on Recovery and plans to engage Canadians on what should be included in the framework for recovery.

Under the Advancing Indigenous Partnerships and Engaging Canadians pillar, the initiatives will continue enabling relationship building, engagement, partnership development, collaboration, and co-development with Indigenous Peoples. To support the government’s commitment to Reconciliation, TC and CCG will continue its development of an overarching framework for collaborative governance with Indigenous Peoples through 2024-25, identifying shared goals, encouraging proactive involvement, and providing opportunities to advance Canada’s marine safety system.

Under the Protecting and Restoring Marine Ecosystems pillar, various scientific products are expected to be published, including underwater noise model simulation results based on multiple vessel traffic management scenarios along the coast of British Columbia. These scenarios would be used to help monitor and report on progress for the requirement to offset the impacts from Trans Mountain Expansion (TMX) related vessels, as well as contribute to the adaptive management of measures aimed at reducing shipping-related noise impacts on at-risk marine mammals – including the endangered Southern Resident Killer Whale – in areas that are subject to increasing vessel traffic. DFO will finalize the signature of the Aquatic Ecosystems Restoration Fund contribution agreements for a total of 45 projects to be supported by the end of March 2027, and the Government of Canada plans to enter into force the Arctic ban on heavy fuel oil use by ships on July 1st, 2024. TC also intends to hold engagement sessions with Indigenous groups and various stakeholders to develop processes collaboratively that integrate Indigenous and non-Indigenous knowledge systems into the regional/subregional assessments of the cumulative effects of the marine shipping initiative.

Under the Strengthening the Evidence Base pillar, through the Ocean Networks Canada - Oceanographic Radar and Hydrophone Support initiative, DFO is expected to expand the coastal ocean dynamics applications radar (CODAR) coverage with the installation of one new radar system. Under the NRCan Multi-Partner Research Initiative, NRCan, also plans to develop research partnerships with some of the world’s best researchers domestically and internationally in oil spill response research. Under the advancing evidence-based decisions pillar, through the Environmental Data initiative, ECCC will aim to collect bird, wildlife and shoreline data and intends to incorporate it into emergency preparedness databases for use in emergency response. This will help to continue advancing oil spill research to enhance Canada’s level of preparedness and response capability.

Contact information: Fabien Lefebvre, A/Director General, Ocean Protection Plan, fabien.lefebvre@tc.gc.ca

Horizontal initiative framework: departmental funding by theme (dollars) 

Shared outcomes: The Negative Impacts of Marine Traffic are Reduced.

Name of theme Enhancing Marine SafetyFootnote 1 Protecting and Restoring Marine Ecosystems Strengthening the Evidence Base Advancing Indigenous Partnerships and Engaging Canadians Internal ServicesFootnote 2
Theme outcome(s) Federal marine safety system capable of preventing and responding to marine emergencies, responding to a broader range of pollution, and planning for recovery from marine oil spills Marine ecosystems are restored, and proactive measures are in place for the ongoing protection against the impacts of marine shipping Scientific information and capacity for expert analysis are available to inform decisions related to the prevention, prediction, and response of marine incidents, as well as to guide ecosystem protection Indigenous Peoples are meaningfully participating and have a role in the marine safety system and ecosystem protection. Not applicable
Transport Canada (TC) $525.5M $139.4M $1.0M $43.8M $68.9M
Department of Fisheries (DFO) $710.2M $242.4M $93.5M $11.3M $95.4M
Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) $131.1M $7.6M $84.3M - $12.4M
Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) $3.5M - $30.3M - $1.3M
Health Canada (HC) $9.4M - - - $0.8M

Performance information

Horizontal initiative overview

Name of horizontal initiative  Total federal funding, including legacy funding, allocated since the last renewal* 2024–25
Planned spending
Horizontal initiative shared outcome(s) Performance indicator(s)  Target(s) Date to achieve target
Oceans Protection Plan (OPP) $2.03B $327.8M The Negative Impacts of Marine Traffic are Reduced  Increase in confidence amongst Indigenous Peoples and Canadians that the impacts from marine traffic on marine ecosystems have been reduced and that marine habitats and species are protected 5% increase of survey respondents are confident in Canada’s marine safety system from the end of 2022 Every two years beginning in FY 2023/24
Reduction in the volume of marine pollution spills over 10 litres detected  Specific target to be determined by March 2024 TBD
Ten-year marine accident rate (average per year, per 1000 commercial vessels) less than 10 per 1,000 commercial vessels March 2031
Measures are in place to reduce the impacts of marine safety incidents, marine shipping, vessels of concern, and vessel traffic on marine ecosystems Eight measures in place March 2031
Square meters of aquatic habitat in marine and coastal areas of Canada that have been restored 700 million square meters restored March 2027
% Increase in involvement of Indigenous Peoples throughout the marine safety system An increased number of interested Indigenous groups are active partners in Canada’s marine safety system [specific target to be co-determined through collaboration between OPP and Indigenous partners by March 2024] March 2031

Theme horizontal initiative activities 

Theme 1 - Enhancing Marine Safety

Name of theme Total federal theme funding, including legacy funding, allocated since the last renewal* 2024–25
Federal theme planned spending
Theme outcome(s) Theme performance indicator(s) Theme target(s) Date to achieve theme target
Enhancing Marine Safety $1,379.7M


$74.05MFootnote 3


$102.73MFootnote 4


$18.04MFootnote 5





Federal marine safety system capable of preventing and responding to marine emergencies, responding to a broader range of pollution, and planning for recovery from marine oil spills % of authorities sought to close gaps and strengthen marine safety and environmental protection receive Royal Assent. 100% March 2027
        % of responses to environmental incidents that meet established standards 100% every year, ongoing Annual
% of search and rescue responses that meet established standards 99% every year, ongoing Annual
        # of distinct (coastal and inland) communities that have increased marine safety capacity from the Oceans Protection Plan # of distinct (coastal and inland) communities that have increased marine safety capacity from the Oceans Protection Plan Target to be determined by March 2023

Theme 1 - Enhancing Marine Safety - horizontal initiative activities

Department Link to the department’s Program Inventory Horizontal initiative activity (activities) Total federal funding, including legacy funding, allocated to each horizontal initiative activity since the last renewal* 2024–25
Planned spending for each horizontal initiative activity
2024–25 Horizontal initiative activity expected result(s) 2024–25 Horizontal initiative activity performance indicator(s) 2024–25 Horizontal initiative activity target(s) Date to achieve horizontal initiative activity target
TC (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) M60 (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) Legislative and Regulatory Modernization $13.51M / 
5 years
$2.68M The national prevention framework is adapted to prevent or minimize marine incidents and impacts from routine marine transportation and shipping % of identified gaps in the national framework that are closed to ensure that the prevention framework is adapted to account for changes to marine transportation 100% March 2027
TC (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) M60 (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) Mandate to Negotiate the Repeal of the Great Lakes Agreement, 1973 No Funding No Funding % of identified gaps in the national framework that are closed to ensure that the prevention framework is adapted to account for changes to marine transportation 100% March 2027
TC (Protecting Oceans and Waterways); DFO/CCG M60 (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) Enhanced Navigational Safety Assessment Program


$21.23M / 
9 years, $2.37M Ongoing

DFO/CCG $24.41M /

9 years, $2.65M Ongoing

Total: $45.64M / 
9 years, $5.01M Ongoing





Total: $5M

% of identified gaps in the national framework that are closed to ensure that the prevention framework is adapted to account for changes to marine transportation


March 2027

TC M60 (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) Active Vessel Traffic Management (Anchorages) $2.24M / 
3 years
$0.78M % of identified gaps in the national framework that are closed to ensure that the prevention framework is adapted to account for changes to marine transportation


March 2027

DFO/CCG (Canadian Hydrographic Services) M60 (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) Modern Hydrography $84.01M / 
9 years, $3.94M ongoing
$15.69M Tools are in place to facilitate safe navigation
  1. % of proposed low impact shipping corridors in the Arctic that are covered by modern electronic navigation charts
  2. % of proposed low impact shipping corridors in the Arctic that are surveyed to modern or adequate standards
  1. 50% of Proposed Primary and Secondary Low Impact Shipping Corridors in the Arctic covered by modern Electronic Navigation Chart meeting international standards.
  2. 60% of proposed Primary and Secondary Low Impact Shipping Corridors in the Arctic are surveyed to international standards
  1. March 2027
  2. March 2027
TC (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) M60 (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) National Pilotage Certification Program $1.12M / 
2 years
No Funding N/A N/A N/A
TC (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) M60 (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) Office of Boating Safety (OBS)  $29.78M / 
9 years, $2.72M Ongoing
$4.55M % increase in recreational boaters following safe boating practices 10% increase from baseline March 2027
TC (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) M60 (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) National Aerial Surveillance Program’s (NASP) Complex and Augmenting the NASP $54.09M / 
9 years; $2.8M ongoing
$1.44M Enhanced Oversight and Enforcement of federal marine safety and environmental regulations NASP response rate to search and rescue and oil spill tasking 70% response rate to search and rescue tasking and 100% response rate to oil spill taskings March 2027
TC (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) M60 (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) Strengthening and Modernizing Canada’s Domestic Vessel Oversight Regime $28.28M / 
5 years
$6.38M N/A N/A N/A
TC (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) M60 (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) Strengthen the Port State Control Including Tanker Inspections - Modernization of the Mandatory Regulatory Cargo Inspection Program $41.02M / 
9 years, $4.18M Ongoing
$4.95M Enhanced inspection of every foreign tanker inspected under Port State Control  90% March 2024
TC (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) M60 (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) Administration of the Oil Tanker Moratorium Act $1.99M / 
9 years, $0.22M Ongoing
$0.22M N/A N/A N/A

TC (Protecting Oceans and Waterways).

DFO/CCG (Environmental Response, Aquatic Ecosystem Science, Fish and Fish Habitat Protection), ECCC (Substances and Waste Management), HC (Health Impacts of Chemicals), NRCan (Energy Innovation and Clean Technology)

M60 (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) Hazardous and Noxious Substances (HNS)


$8.39M / 9 years, $0.86M Ongoing

DFO/CCG: $75.19M / 9 years, $7.83M Ongoing

ECCC: $17.36M / 
9 years, $2.07M Ongoing


$3.05M / 
9 years, $0.33M Ongoing

NRCan: $3.52M / 
5 years

Total: $107.51M / 9 years; $11.1M Ongoing



DFO/CCG: $13.13M

ECCC: $2.70M



NRCan: $0.71M

Total: $18.33M

National direction and guidance are available to guide response in the event of a marine emergency % of responders trained to participate in HNS incident response 70% March 2027

TC (Protecting Oceans and Waterways).

DFO/CCG (Environmental Response)

M60 (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) Marine Pollution Preparedness and Response (MPPR)


$48.94M /
9 years, $4.95M Ongoing

DFO/CCG: $12.38M / 
5 years

Total: $61.32M / 9 years; $4.95M Ongoing




Total: $8.70M

% national policy/plans/frameworks updated to reflect the national system 100% March 2027

TC (Protecting Oceans and Waterways);


M60 (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) Enhanced Marine Emergency Management (EMEM)


No Funding

DFO/CCG: $7.63M / 
9 years, $1.04M Ongoing


No Funding

DFO/CCG: $0.61M

% national policy/plans/frameworks updated to reflect the national system 100% March 2027
TC (Protecting Oceans and Waterways); DFO/CCG M60 (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) Places of Refuge (POR)


$10.97M / 
9 years, $1.23M Ongoing

DFO/CCG: $5.89M / 
9 years


$16.86M / 9 years; $1.23M Ongoing



DFO/CCG: $1.40M

Total: $2.59M

% of places of refuge designated 75% March 2027
TC (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) M60 (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) Integrated Data Fusion and Analytical Capacity $6.18M / 9 years, $0.64M Ongoing $0.69M % increase in datasets and products shared with stakeholders to support decisions using real-time information at least 50% March 2027
DFO/CCG (Search & Rescue) M60 (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) Risk-Based Analysis of Maritime Search and Rescue Delivery (RAMSARD) $19.1M / 9 years, $2.33M Ongoing $2.22M # of search and rescue areas reviewed using the risk-based analysis methodology Eight reviews annually starting in 2024 Annual
DFO/CCG (Environmental Response), TC (Protecting Oceans and Waterways). ECCC (Migratory Birds and other Wildlife, Water Quality and Ecosystems Partnerships, Substances and Waste Management), HC (Health Impacts of Chemicals) M60 (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) Integrated Marine Response Planning program

DFO/CCG: $246.29M / 9 years, $29.64M Ongoing


$10.28M / 
9 years, $1.15M Ongoing

ECCC: $65.07M / 
9 years, $7.93M Ongoing


$2.93M / 
9 years, $0.32M Ongoing

Total: $324.57M / 9 years; $39.04M Ongoing




ECCC: $8.67M



Total: $38.34M

# of integrated marine pollution response plans developed that are informed by science, Indigenous knowledge and operational experience Eight March 2027
ECCC (Migratory Birds and other Wildlife, Substances and Waste Management, Compliance Promotion and Enforcement-Wildlife) M60 (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) Environmental and Scientific Support to Environmental Emergency Response $32.52M / 
9 years, $3.54M Ongoing
$4.26M The federal government, Indigenous and coastal communities have improved capacity to respond to marine incidents % of occasions where the scientific and technical advice provided by ECCC is considered in response and remediation decisions 90% 2027
DFO/CCG (Search & Rescue) M60 (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) Enhanced Arctic Response Station $27.42M / 
9 years, $3.1M Ongoing
$3.35M # of days the Arctic Response Station is operating per year (June-October) 115 days per year starting 2023 Annual
DFO/CCG (Environmental Response) M60 (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) Improving Environmental Response Community Caches in the Arctic $6.92M / 
9 years, $0.38M Ongoing
$2.01M # of caches (community packs) delivered to identified communities at prescribed locations 29  March 2027
DFO/CCG (Environmental Response) M60 (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) Acquisition of Pollution Response Vessels (PRVs) for Environmental Response $10.05M / 
5 years
$4.27M # of new pollution response vessels delivered to environmental response depots 8 March 2027
DFO/CCG (Environmental Response) M60 (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) Expanding the Communication Portal for Integrated Incident Response (CPIIR) $24.15M / 
9 years, $1.5M Ongoing
$4.23M # of coastal communities and partners that have received access to a CCG-integrated communication tool to support on-water marine response 38 March 2027
DFO/CCG (Environmental Response) M60 (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) Heiltsuk Marine Emergency Response Team $5.18M / 
5 years
$1.05M % MERT responders trained and equipped to respond to marine pollution incidents 100% March 2027
DFO/CCG (Environmental Response) M60 (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) Coastal Marine Response Teams $40.5M / 
5 years
$7.33M # of coastal marine response teams (CMRT) trained, equipped, and ready to respond to marine pollution incidents 19 March 2027
DFO/CCG (Search & Rescue) M60 (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) Indigenous Community Boat Volunteer Project (ICBVP) $35.51M / 
9 years, $3.97M Ongoing
$4.03M % of Indigenous community units funded under the Indigenous Community Volunteer Program who are active members of the CCG Auxiliary 100% March 2027
DFO/CCG (Search & Rescue) M60 (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) Coast Guard Auxiliary Renewal  $34.1M / 
9 years, $4.85M Ongoing
$2.85M % of maritime SAR responses to which the Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary responded 25% (five-year average) March 2027
DFO/CCG (Search & Rescue) M60 (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) Indigenous Search and Rescue Training and Exercising $24.29M / 
9 years, $3.37M Ongoing
$2.68M # of Indigenous Peoples who participate in marine emergency response training and/or exercising through agreements and arrangements with Coast Guard 360 March 2027
TC (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) M60 (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) Enhanced Maritime Situational Awareness $109.19M / 9 years, $12.73M Ongoing $11.77M % increase of users with access to EMSA (current baseline is 650 users) 100% increase (1300 users) March 2027
TC (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) M60 (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) Safety Equipment and Basic Marine Infrastructure in Northern Communities  $62.03M / 
5 years
$15.40M % of targeted Northern Indigenous communities deploying new safety equipment and/or basic marine infrastructure 90% 2027
TC (Protecting Oceans and Waterways); DFO/CCG M60 (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) Indigenous Participation and Training – Marine Training Program


$38.94M / 
5 years

DFO/CCG: $9.99M / 
5 years


$48.93M / 5 years



DFO/CCG: $2.20M

Total: $10M

% of Marine Training Program graduates who are employed in the marine sector 70% March 2027
ECCC (Substances and Waste Management), DFO/CCG (Environmental Response, Aquatic Ecosystem Science), HC (Health Impacts of Chemicals) M60 (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) Recovery from Environmental Emergencies Involving Marine Oil Spills

ECCC: $13.51M / 
9 years, $1.49M Ongoing

DFO/CCG: $3.09M / 
5 years


$3.42M / 
9 years, $0.37M Ongoing


$20.02M / 
9 years; $1.86M Ongoing

ECCC: $1.93M

DFO/CCG: $0.61M



Total: $2.91M

Recovery operations are coordinated to minimize residual impacts of marine oil spills and compensation to affected parties for impact of pollutants is enhanced The Recovery Framework is established By 2027 2027
TC (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) M60 (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) Liability and Compensation $12.78 / 
9 years, $1.40M Ongoing
$1.42M Availability of compensation for all future losses of income or profit in all spills December 2022 December 2022

Theme 2 - Protecting and Restoring Marine Ecosystems

Name of theme Total federal theme funding, including legacy funding, allocated since the last renewal* 2024–25
Federal theme planned spending 
Theme outcome(s) Theme performance indicator(s) Theme target(s) Date to achieve theme target
Protecting and Restoring Marine Ecosystems $389.34M







Marine ecosystems are restored, and proactive measures are in place for the ongoing protection against the impacts of marine shipping  # of measures in place to reduce impacts of marine safety incidents, marine shipping, vessels of concern and vessel traffic on marine ecosystems Seven March 2027
# of square meters of aquatic habitat in marine and coastal areas of Canada that have been restored  700 million square meters restored March 2027

Theme 2 - Protecting and Restoring Marine Ecosystems - Horizontal initiative activities

Departments Link to the department’s Program Inventory Horizontal initiative activity (activities) Total federal funding, including legacy funding, allocated to each horizontal initiative activity since the last renewal* 2024–25
Planned spending for each horizontal initiative activity
Horizontal initiative activity expected result(s)
Horizontal initiative activity performance indicator(s)
Horizontal initiative activity target(s)
Date to achieve horizontal initiative activity target
TC (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) M60 (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) Cumulative Effects of Marine Shipping $8.29M / 
5 years
$1.57M Scientific information and tools are available to inform decisions related to marine ecosystem and marine mammal protection # of regional assessments completed on the cumulative effects of marine shipping on marine environments and local communities Six regional assessments completed March 2027
DFO (Aquatic Ecosystem Science) M60 (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) Assessment and monitoring of physical and acoustic (noise) effects on marine mammals from major marine development projects, including the continued delivery of TMX Project Recommendation 5-6 $28.06M / 
5 years
$6.49M # new science products related to SARA-listed marine mammals, whale detection, underwater noise and noise management At least four March 2027

TC (Protecting Oceans and Waterways),

DFO/CCG (Small Craft Harbours), ECCC (Migratory Birds and other Wildlife, Substances and Waste Management)

M60 (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) Comprehensive Strategy for Vessels of Concern


$64.12M / 5 years


$112.14M / 5 years, $0.39M Ongoing


$7.63M / 5 years


$183.89M / 5 years; $0.39M Ongoing





ECCC: $1.67M

Total: $34.72M

Abandonment of vessels is reduced and vessels of concern are addressed
  1. # of vessels of concern removed under the funding programs
  2. % of vessels of concern that are addressed by their owners
  1. 110 (80 by ABP and 30 by SCH-AWVRP) and 200 (125 by ABP and 75 by SCH-AWVRP)
  2. Target to be set by April 2024
  1. March 2024 & March 2027
  2. Target to be determined
DFO (Fish and Fish Habitat Protection) M60 (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration Fund $85.40M / 
5 years
$26.29M Aquatic restoration efforts are expanded to include in-land waterways % of aquatic ecosystem restoration projects taking place in freshwater environments 20% March 2027
Indigenous Peoples play a more significant role in aquatic habitat restoration
  1. % of aquatic ecosystem restoration projects that are Indigenous-led
  2. % of aquatic ecosystem restoration projects that will include Indigenous partners with a strong role in development and implementation
  1. 30%
  2. 90%
  1. March 2027
  2. March 2027
DFO/CCG (Marine Planning and Conservation) M60 (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) Establishing and implementing Marine Environmental Quality tools under the Oceans Act to address key stressors and support decision making in the marine environment $14.53M / 9 years, $1.57M Ongoing $1.64M Measures are in place, and complied with, to reduce the risk of stressors on marine ecosystems
  1. % priority Marine Environment Quality recommendations implemented from Ocean Noise Strategy forward plan
  2. # of measures developed to mitigate risks of priority marine environmental stressors
  1. By March 2027, 50% and by 2031, 100%
  2. By March 2027, 1 and by 2031, 2
  1. March 2027 and March 2031
  2. March 2027 and March 2031
TC (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) M60 (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) Preventing the Introduction and Spread of Aquatic Invasive Species through Marine Transportation  $66.94M / 
9 years, $4.56M Ongoing
$12.23M % of ships inspected compliant with Ballast Water Regulations 95% of vessels over 400 gross tonnage comply with the Ballast Water Regulations March 2027
TC (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) M60 (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) Arctic Ban on Heavy Fuel Oil Use by Ships No Funding No Funding % of ships inspected compliant with Ballast Water Regulations 95% of vessels over 400 gross tonnage comply with the Ballast Water Regulations March 2027
DFO/CCG (Fisheries Management) M60 (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) Marine Mammal Response Program $1.01M / 
1 year
No Funding # of partners equipped or trained to respond to marine mammal incidents 11 March 2023
DFO (Aquatic Ecosystem Science) M60 (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) Reducing the Threat of Vessel Traffic on Whales and Other Marine Mammals through Detection and Avoidance $1.22M / 
1 year
No Funding N/A N/A N/A

Theme 3 - Strengthening the Evidence Base

Name of theme Total federal theme funding, including legacy funding, allocated since the last renewal* 2024–25
Federal theme planned spending 
Theme outcome(s) Theme performance indicator(s) Theme target(s) Date to achieve theme target
Strengthening the Evidence Base $209.03M









Scientific information and capacity for expert analysis is available to inform decisions related to the prevention, prediction, and response of marine incidents, as well as to guide ecosystem protection # of scientific publications, products and programs 65 March 2027

Theme 3 - Strengthening the Evidence Base - Horizontal initiative activities

Departments Link to the department’s Program Inventory Horizontal initiative activity (activities) Total federal funding, including legacy funding, allocated to each horizontal initiative activity since the last renewal* 2024–25
Planned spending for each horizontal initiative activity
Horizontal initiative activity expected result(s)
Horizontal initiative activity performance indicator(s)
Horizontal initiative activity target(s)
Date to achieve horizontal initiative activity target
ECCC (Migratory Birds and other Wildlife, Water Quality and Ecosystems Partnerships) M60 (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) Advancing Evidenced Based Decisions Through Environmental Data (AED) $62.71M /9 years, $7.13M Ongoing $8.14M Increased access to new research and data to inform safer navigation and to support incident response % of priority areas by region that have environmental data available for environmental emergencies 100% March 2027
DFO/CCG (Aquatic Ecosystem Science) M60 (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) DFO Environmental Response Science $41.65M /5 years $7.52M # of scientific publications and products related to oil in the marine environment Beginning in 2023, at least five per year until 2027 Annual
NRCan (Energy Innovation and Clean Technology) M60 (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) Multi-Partner Research Initiative $30.26M /5 years $8.46M Data and research products are available to inform safer navigation, emergency response planning and marine ecosystems impacts # of scientific publications and products related to oil in the marine, offshore, offshore platform and near-shore environments, as well as onshore pipeline oil spill scenarios Beginning in FY 2023/24, at least five per year until 2027
(20 in total)
DFO (Oceans and Climate Change Science) M60 (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) Oceans Network Canada $51.79M /5 years $10.36M # of CODAR sites where real-time or near real-time data is available 14 March 2027
ECCC (Migratory Birds and other Wildlife) M60 (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) Community-based Partnerships for Marine Response $21.60M /9 years, $2.60M Ongoing $2.67M % of engaged Indigenous groups providing data and/or information to support marine safety 100% of engaged Indigenous groups are contributing local information to support marine safety March 2027
TC (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) M60 (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) World Maritime University (WMU) Chair Position $1.01M /9 years, $0.11M Ongoing $0.11M N/A N/A N/A

Theme 4 - Advancing Indigenous Partnerships and Engaging Canadians

Name of theme Total federal theme funding, including legacy funding, allocated since the last renewal* 2024–25
Federal theme planned spending
Theme outcome(s) Theme performance indicator(s) Theme target(s) Date to achieve theme target
Advancing Indigenous Partnerships and Engaging Canadians - horizontal initiative activities $55.08M





Indigenous Peoples are meaningfully participating and have a role in the marine safety system and ecosystem protection. % of Indigenous groups who feel that they meaningfully participated in the Oceans Protection Plan By March 2027, X% [target to be established by March 2024 following first Public Opinion Research survey] March 2027
      % of Canadians who are confident in Canada’s marine safety system By March 2027, 2% increase of survey respondents are confident in Canada’s marine safety system from the end of 2022 March 2027

Theme 4 - Advancing Indigenous Partnerships and Engaging Canadians - Horizontal initiative activities

Departments Link to the department’s Program Inventory Horizontal initiative activity (activities) Total federal funding, including legacy funding, allocated to each horizontal initiative activity since the last renewal* 2024–25
Planned spending for each horizontal initiative activity
Horizontal initiative activity expected result(s)
Horizontal initiative activity performance indicator(s)
Horizontal initiative activity target(s)
Date to achieve horizontal initiative activity target

TC (Protecting Oceans and Waterways),

DFO/CCG (Shore-Based Asset Readiness)

M60 (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) Oceans Protection Plan Engagement Hubs and Marine Dialogue Forums

TC: $9.60M /5 years

DFO/CCG: $2.51M /5 years

Total: $12.11M /5 years





Total: $2.50M

Strengthened engagement with Indigenous Peoples, coastal communities, and stakeholders through enhanced collaboration, coordination, and information-sharing. % increase of survey respondents participating in the Salish Sea Strategy and Marine Dialogue Forums who indicate engagement has helped their participation in the marine safety system or environmental protection X% increase from baseline [target to be established after establishment in March 2024] March 2027
TC (Protecting Oceans and Waterways M60 (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) Salish Sea Strategy $2.03M / 
5 years
$0.34M Strengthened engagement with Indigenous Peoples, coastal communities, and stakeholders through enhanced collaboration, coordination, and information-sharing. % increase of survey respondents participating in the Salish Sea Strategy and Marine Dialogue Forums who indicate engagement has helped their participation in the marine safety system or environmental protection X% increase from baseline [target to be established after establishment in March 2024] March 2027
TC (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) M60 (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) Building Public Confidence in Canada’s Marine Safety System $7.05M /
5 years
$1.40M Strengthened engagement with Indigenous Peoples, coastal communities, and stakeholders through enhanced collaboration, coordination, and information-sharing. % increase of survey respondents participating in the Salish Sea Strategy and Marine Dialogue Forums who indicate engagement has helped their participation in the marine safety system or environmental protection. X% increase from baseline [target to be established after establishment in March 2024] March 2027
TC (Protecting Oceans and Waterways), DFO/CCG (Shore-Based Asset Readiness) M60 (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) Advancing Indigenous Partnerships: Governance, Policy Framework and Partnership Agreements 


$25.12M /5 years

DFO/CCG: $8.77M /5 years

Total: $33.89M /5 years



DFO/CCG: $1.71M

Total: $6.80M

Meaningful engagement with Indigenous Peoples through partnerships # of partnership agreements signed and maintained with those Indigenous groups who have indicated interest Maintain two existing and up to four new partnership agreements nationally March 2027
TC (Protecting Oceans and Waterways), DFO/CCG (Shore-Based Asset Readiness) M60 (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) Advancing Indigenous Partnerships: Proactive Vessel Management Meaningful engagement with Indigenous Peoples through partnerships # of partnership agreements assessed using performance indicators co-developed with Indigenous partners At least two partnership agreements assessed March 2027
TC (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) M60 (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) Advancing Indigenous Partnerships: Regulatory Roundtable Meaningful engagement with Indigenous Peoples through partnerships # of Indigenous groups engaged in developing a collaborative governance framework Up to five regional or national Indigenous groups or partners March 2027
TC (Protecting Oceans and Waterways), DFO/CCG (Shore-Based Asset Readiness) M60 (Protecting Oceans and Waterways) Advancing Indigenous Partnerships: Northern Low Impact Shipping Corridors Meaningful engagement with Indigenous Peoples through partnerships # of targeted Indigenous partners contributing to developing and recommending a governance model to support low impact shipping corridors in the North 10 targeted Indigenous partners March 2027

Total spending, all themes

Theme Total federal funding, including legacy funding, allocated since the last renewal* 2024–25 Total federal planned spending
Enhancing Marine Safety $1,379.7M $196.6M
Protecting and Restoring Marine Ecosystems $389.3M  $82.9M
Strengthening the Evidence Base $209M $37.3M
Advancing Indigenous Partnerships and Engaging Canadians $55.1M $11M
Total, all themes $2,033.1M $327.8M

* This amount includes any additional funding received after the last renewal