Transportation in Canada 2021

Transportation in Canada 2021


The Canada Transportation Act of 2007, subsection 52, requires the Minister of Transport to table this report every year, in both the House of Commons and Senate. This report provides an overview of transportation in Canada based on the latest information for all modes of transportation (at the time of writing).

The report highlights the role that transportation plays in the economy and summarizes the national and regional transportation networks’ infrastructure. It describes major developments in the transportation sector during 2021 from an efficiency, safety and security, and environmental perspectives.

The report also assesses the Canadian transportation system’s performance in 2021 by looking at the system’s use and capacity. It ends by looking at upcoming trends in the transportation sector.

In addition to this report, a statistical addendum containing information on freight and passenger traffic for each mode, infrastructure and labour statistics, price and productivity indicators, freight trade data by mode and country, reported accidents, and greenhouse gas emissions has been produced and will be available online through the Canadian Centre on Transportation Data and its Transportation Data and Information Hub.