Transport Canada’s Safety and Security Group is made up of seven programs. The Assistant Deputy Minister of Safety and Security has the highest level of authority within the group. Read this page to learn about the current Safety and Security leadership structure within the department’s broader organization.
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The leadership structure in Safety and Security is a hierarchy. Tier 1 is at the bottom and Tier 3 is at the top. Tier 1 has the Program Business Committees. Tier 2 has the Director General Horizontal Committee. Tier 3 has the Assistant Deputy Minister Policy Committee and Resource Management Committee, which sit under the Executive Management Committee (TMX). Approvals for policies, resources and operations move up from the Program Business Committees to TMX.
Executive Management Committee (TMX)
TMX is the most senior committee at Transport Canada. The Deputy Minister chairs it. TMX manages the major strategic issues Transport Canada faces. To address corporate-level risks and opportunities, departmental strategy and priorities are determined at this level. TMX makes all final decisions for important issues in the department.
Resource Management Committee
This committee is co-chaired by the:
- Associate Deputy Minister
- Assistant Deputy Minister (ADM), Corporate Services
- Chief Financial Officer
The committee reports to TMX. It makes recommendations, through the Chief Financial Officer to TMX and the Deputy Minister, on financial and human resource issues. It also makes decisions on grants and contributions, and on resource management strategies, policies and practice.
Assistant Deputy Minister (ADM) Policy Committee
The ADM, Policy and ADM, Corporate Services co-chair this committee. It has a mandate from TMX to guide the department’s policy initiatives, such as Memoranda to Cabinet and Treasury Board submissions. The committee is a forum to discuss, challenge and make recommendations about Cabinet proposals and policy options.
Director General Horizontal Committee
This committee has an advisory role. It supports the Resource Management Committee and the ADM Policy Committee by reviewing new policies, programs and capital initiatives.
Safety and Security Management Committee
The ADM, Safety and Security chairs this committee and decides when to use the committee to discuss items moving up the leadership structure.
The committee:
- addresses key issues in safety and security, such as operations, policies and resources
- helps implement modernization initiatives and gives feedback to the Transformation Office
- discusses items such as budget, financial risk management and human resources
ADM, Safety and Security
The ADM, Safety and Security leads the development of regulations and standards to support safety and security in air, marine, rail and road transportation. This person also implements programs, monitoring, testing and inspection to enforce the regulations and standards.
Program Business Committees
Each program’s designated program official leads the Program Business Committees. These committees make decisions on their program’s operations, finances and strategic direction. They are made up of all executives in a program, including regional directors, as well as internal service employees who support that program. The committees advise the ADM, Safety and Security on policies, resources and operations.