Transport Canada's 2021-2022 Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy Report


The 2021-2022 Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy (DSDS) Progress Report supports the commitment in the Federal Sustainable Development Act to make sustainable development decision-making more transparent and accountable to Parliament. It also contributes to an integrated, whole-of-government view of activities supporting environmental sustainability.

Transport Canada has developed this report to demonstrate progress made in 2021-2022 in implementing its 2020-2023 DSDS.

What’s in this Transport Canada Publication

Transport Canada seeks to promote a safe, secure, efficient and environmentally responsible transportation system in Canada. Our departmental vision aligns closely with the social, economic and environmental pillars of sustainable development. Key areas of action within this DSDS Progress Report include:

  • Initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas and air pollutant emissions from the transportation sector
  • Actions under the Oceans Protection Plan to protect our coasts and oceans
  • Activities to improve our own operations through increasing efficiencies in how we do business and reducing the energy consumption in the facilities and fleet of vehicles that we own and operate

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