Currently in force:
CSA B339-18
Date published:
June 2018
Previous edition:
CSA B339-14
Upcoming edition / amendment:
CSA B339-24
What is the scope of the standard?
Where is the standard referenced in the TDG Regulations?
How do I view the standard for free?
How do I obtain a copy of the standard?
What version of the standard is currently adopted into the TDG Regulations?
Where can I obtain more information?
What is the scope of the standard?
CSA B339 sets out the requirements for the manufacturing, inspection, testing, marking, requalification, reheat treatment, repair, and rebuilding of cylinders, spheres, and tubes (containers) for the transportation of dangerous goods. It also sets out the requirements for new design qualification and facility registration.
Where is the standard referenced in the TDG Regulations?
Section 1.3.1 Table of Safety Standards and Safety Requirement Documents
1.3.2 Transitional Period
1.50 Hot Air Balloon Cylinder Exemption
5.10 Means of Containment for Class 2, Gases
Section 5.10 Means of Containment for Class 2, Gases of the TDG Regulations specifies that for the transportation of dangerous goods in Class 2 by any mode, means of containment in accordance with CSA B340 are permitted. CSA B340 invokes CSA B339 for the manufacture of TC specification cylinders and tubes and for the requalification, repair, rebuilding, reheat treatment of cylinders and tubes authorised for use in Canada.
How do I view the standard for free?
The CSA Group has launched an online platform that allows registered users free access to Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) safety standards published by CSA Group referenced in federal TDG regulations. Users can now log into Communities of Interest and register to find the TDG View Access site at
How do I obtain a copy of the standard?
A copy of this standard can be obtained from the Canadian Standards Association (CSA).
What version of the standard is currently adopted by the TDG Regulations?
Section 1.3.1 Table of Safety Standards and Safety Requirement Documents refers to the most recently published edition of CSA B339. At this time, the 2018 edition of CSA B339 is the most recently published edition and it is the edition that is legally in force.
Where can I obtain more information?
For more information on matters pertaining to CSA B339:
Inquiries pertaining to applications for registration:
After choosing the language (1 for English, 2 for French), press option 1.
Technical inquiries:
Please include the text "Cylinders" in the subject line.
Quick links
FAQ on Cylinders and Tubes
The FAQ on Cylinders and Tubes includes information on Transport Canada cylinder and tube requirements including the registration requirements for cylinder and tube manufacturing, registration requirements for cylinder and tube requalification, and on the selection and use of cylinders and tubes for transport of dangerous goods in Class 2.
CSA B340
Information on CSA B340 (the standard on "Selection and Use of Cylinders, Spheres, Tubes, and Other Containers for the Transportation of Dangerous Goods, Class 2").
Cylinder and Tube Manufacturers
Search the TDG database for cylinder and tube manufacturers registered with Transport Canada to manufacture cylinders and tubes in accordance with CSA B339.
Cylinder and Tube Requalifiers
Search the TDG database for cylinder and tube requalifiers registered with Transport Canada in accordance with CSA B339.
Independent inspectors for cylinder and tube manufacture
Search the TDG database "Independent inspectors for cylinder and tube manufacture" for inspectors registered with Transport Canada to provide in-plant inspection at cylinder and tube manufacturing facilities in accordance with CSA B339.
CTC special permits
Clause of CSA B340 allows cylinders manufactured until the end of 1992 in accordance with permits (CTC special permits) issued under the Canadian Transport Commission (CTC) “Regulations for the Transportation of Dangerous Goods by Rail” to continue in use to transport Class 2 dangerous goods in accordance with the terms of the respective CTC Permit.