Cylinders, spheres and tubes

CSA B339

Information on CSA B339 (the standard on "Cylinders, Spheres, and Tubes for the Transportation of Dangerous Goods".

CSA B340

Information on CSA B340 (the standard on "Selection and Use of Cylinders, Spheres, Tubes, and Other Containers for the Transportation of Dangerous Goods, Class 2").

FAQ on Cylinders and Tubes

The FAQ on Cylinders and Tubes includes information on Transport Canada cylinder and tube requirements including the registration requirements for cylinder and tube manufacturers, independent inspectors, and requalifiers, and information on the selection and use of cylinders and tubes for transport of dangerous goods in Class 2.

Cylinder and Tube Manufacturers

Search the TDG database for cylinder and tube manufacturers registered with Transport Canada to manufacture cylinders and tubes in accordance with CSA B339.

Cylinder and Tube Requalifiers

Search the TDG database for TC specification requalifiers registered with Transport Canada in accordance with CSA B339. Facilities with registration to CSA B339 will have ‘CSA B339’ included in the search results under ‘Requalifier Type’.

Independent inspectors for cylinder and tube manufacture

Search the TDG database "Independent inspectors for cylinder and tube manufacture" for inspectors registered with Transport Canada to provide in-plant inspection at cylinder and tube manufacturing facilities in accordance with CSA B339.

CTC special permits

Clause of CSA B340 allows cylinders manufactured prior to 1993 in accordance with permits (CTC special permits) issued under the Canadian Transport Commission (CTC) “Regulations for the Transportation of Dangerous Goods by Rail” to continue in use to transport Class 2 dangerous goods in accordance with the terms of the respective CTC Permit.

Downloadable Documents

Application Forms:

Information and Examples: