Railway tank cars and ton containers


Upcoming phase-out date of May 1, 2025.


Information regarding Transport Canada publication TP14877 (the "Containers for the Transportation of Dangerous Goods by Rail, January 2018" standard).

FAQ on railway tank cars and ton containers

The FAQ on Railway Tank Cars and Ton Containers includes information on the requirements for railway tank cars and ton containers as well as the requirements to be registered by Transport Canada to manufacture, repair, inspect, test, qualify, maintain or modify a railway tank car or manufacture, inspect or test a ton container.

Railway tank car registered facilities

Search the TDG database for facilities registered by Transport Canada pursuant to TP14877 to manufacture, repair, inspect, test, qualify, maintain or modify railway tank cars.

Ton container registered manufacturers, independent inspectors and test facilities

A listing of Facilities and Independent Inspectors registered by Transport Canada pursuant to TP14877 to manufacture, inspect or test ton containers is available by contacting MOCregister-Registrecontenant@tc.gc.ca.

One time movement approval (OTMA)

Find out more about one time movement for certain non-conforming containers by rail.

Downloadable documents

Application forms


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