Regulatory Proposals under Development

Notice – 60-Day Consultation period – Updated Safety Standard CSA B625, "Portable tanks for the transport of dangerous goods" – Ending December 11, 2018.


The Canadian Standards Association (CSA) has released the draft of the update to safety standard CSA B625, "Portable tanks for the transport of dangerous goods" for a 60-day consultation period. Once the safety standard has been finalized and published, a notice will be issued specifying the coming into force date of the updated standard.

What is the scope of the standard?

Safety standard CSA B625 sets out the requirements for UN portable tank design and manufacture and the requirements for UN, IM and IMO portable tank selection, use, inspection, testing and repair. The standard also prescribes registration requirements by Transport Canada (TC) of facilities, design reviewers and independent inspectors for conducting the activities within the scope of the standard.

Highlights of the draft standard

The draft safety standard builds on CSA B625-13 by incorporating the following technical changes:

  • Alignment of technical requirements with the 20th edition of the UN Recommendations;
  • Revised Quality Manual requirements to allow for harmonized documentation requirements with CSA B620 for those facilities also registered under that safety standard for Highway and TC portable tanks;
  • Restructuring of registration requirements to simplify the number of registration types; and
  • Limit the pressure vessel code acceptability of foreign-approved tanks to ASME Section VIII, Division 1 or 2. Foreign-approved tanks built after 2018 to ASME Section VIII, Division 1 and used for Class 2 or toxic inhalation hazard dangerous goods will need to be U-stamped.

Draft Safety Standard

The draft safety standard may be accessed from the CSA Group Web site via the following link:

B625, Portable tanks for the transport of dangerous goods


Comments to improve the standard may be sent to the CSA Group using the following instructions.

All comments must include the following information:

  1. Standard number (i.e., CSA B625);
  2. Relevant clause, table, annex, and/or figure number;
  3. Wording of proposed change; and
  4. Rationale for the change.

All comments may be sent in writing (mail or Email) to the following address by December 11, 2018.

Ron Meyers
Project Manager, Worker and Public Safety
CSA Group
178 Rexdale Blvd.
Toronto, ON, M9W 1R3

Thank you,

Shaun Singh, P.Eng.
Engineering Services/Transportation of Dangerous Goods Directorate
Transport Canada/Government of Canada
Tel : 1-855-298-1520/TTY : 1-888-675-6863
