Grants and Contributions to Support Clean Transportation Initiatives

Name of transfer payment program: Grants and Contributions to Support Clean Transportation Initiatives

Start date: 2011-12

End date: 2015-16

Description: Provide transfer payment funding through three initiatives: the Clean Rail Academic Grant program, the Clean Transportation Initiative on Port-Related Trucking and the Shore Power Technology for Ports Program.

Strategic Outcome: A clean transportation system

Results achieved:

Clean Rail Academic Grant Program: The program provided grants of $25,000 to ten researchers that support existing academic research programs that develop emission reduction technologies and practices for the transportation sector that could be applied to the rail industry. This program increases a focus in Canadian universities on the program's priorities; accelerates the development of clean technologies for the rail industry and enables the rail industry to better comply with increasingly stringent environmental regulations.

Clean Transportation Initiative on Port-Related Trucking: In 2013-14, the Port-Related Trucking Program signed two contribution agreements, one with Port Metro Vancouver (Container Drayage Truck Efficiency Global Positioning System Program) and one with the Port of Montreal (Initiative to Reduce Polluting Emissions at the Port of Montreal). In addition, three ongoing projects with Port Metro Vancouver were completed (Container Drayage Truck Efficiency Project Expansion; Drayage Common-Data Interface (CDI) System and Pre-Gate – Concept of Operations; and the Port-Related Trucking Foundational Study – Drayage Model). The Department continued to engage with port stakeholders in Montreal, Vancouver and Halifax to seek further interest in the Program.

Shore Power Technology for Ports Program: Two projects were completed (Port Metro Vancouver Shore Power Upgrade and Enhancement; and Swartz Bay Terminal Shore Power) and construction of two additional projects started in 2013-14 (Port of Halifax Shore Power and British Columbia Ferries Shore Power).

Program: 2.1: Clean Air from Transportation; Sub-program 2.1.2: Clean Air Programs

($ millions)
  2011-12 Actual spending 2012-13 Actual spending 2013-14 Planned spending 2013-14 Total authorities 2013-14 Actual spending Variance
Total grants 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.3 0.3 2.7
Total contributions 0.0 0.0 10.5 13.2 5.2 5.3
Total other types of transfer payments 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Total program 0.0 0.0 13.5 13.5 5.5 8.0

Comments on Variance:

Clean Rail Academic Grant Program: No variance

Clean Transportation Initiative on Port-Related Trucking: Due to delays in completing the contracting process with partners and in negotiating an agreement with a recipient, the start dates of two signed projects under the Port-Trucking Program were moved to 2014-15.

Shore Power Technology for Ports Program: The program's initial 2013-14 allocation was $10.5 million, of which $4.7 million was re-profiled to future years to match recipient's funding requirements, and $1.23 million was lapsed due to unforeseen contracting and financial issues, which resulted in applicants withdrawing from the program.

Audits completed or planned: not applicable

Evaluations completed or planned: 2014-15

Engagement of applicants and recipients:

  • Formal consultation sessions throughout Canada and meetings with port authorities, terminal operators, trucking operators, industry associations, other supply chain participants and provinces.
  • On-line application, guidance material and service standards have been posted on the Department's website.
  • Ongoing outreach and engagement with industry and provinces to explain program objectives and eligibility requirements.