The application period is now closed.
The Transportation Assets Risk Assessment (TARA) Program provides funding to assess the impacts of the changing climate on federally-owned and/or federally-managed transportation assets such as bridges, ports and airports and potential adaptation solutions that could be employed.
Eligibility for funding
Eligible recipients include:
- Federal Agent Crown Corporations (Jacques-Cartier and Champlain Bridges Inc., the Federal Bridge Corporation Limited)
- Canada Port Authorities (can only apply for contribution funding under this third call for proposals)
- National Airports System's Airport Authorities
- For-profit and not-for-profit organizations
- Academia
- Provinces and territories including provincially and territorially owned entities
Grant recipients will receive 100% of eligible costs.
Contribution recipients may receive funding for eligible costs up to:
- 90% for National Airports Systems Airport Authorities, Canada Port Authorities, for-profit organizations and Provinces and territories, including provincially and territorially owned entities.
- 100% for Federal Agent Crown Corporations, not-for-profit organizations and academia.
Eligible activities
Assessments and research
Funding will be provided for assessments, other studies or research to understand the climate change impacts on federally-owned and/or federally-managed transportation assets. This includes present, future or planned infrastructure systems or their components. The assessments and research must provide information to help decision-makers develop resilient management or other plans.
Equipment, services and training
The program will fund the costs of data, equipment, technology, software systems and training needed to study the impact of the changing climate on federal transportation assets or infrastructure components.
For example, eligible costs could include:
- Professional fees for contracted services
- Travel costs
- Salaries
- Administrative costs
For detailed information about eligibility criteria see the Applicant's Guide.
Conditions of funding
You must prove that you have secured funding to pay project costs up front. You cannot receive advance funding, except in the cases listed in the Applicant's Guide.
You must complete all projects by March 31, 2022.
You may receive up to:
- $50,000 per project as a grant
- $1,600,000 per project as a contribution
What you need to know before you start
Your application must be complete and accurate. You should read the Applicant's Guide in full before you apply.
How to apply
- Request application templates at
- Fill in the appropriate template for a grant or a contribution.
- Sign your application and save it in pdf form with original signatures if you are submitting it electronically.
- Submit your application electronically at
Or send your signed application by mail to:
Transportation Assets Risk Assessment (TARA) Program
Transport Canada
330 Sparks Street, Place de Ville, Tower C (AHSA)
Ottawa ON K1A 0N5
We will confirm receipt of all applications.