
Funding programs for infrastructure projects. Federal investments in infrastructure by province and territory.

Services and information

Canada’s Housing Plan

Canada’s Housing Plan is making housing more attainable and affordable for Canadians, because everyone deserves a place to call home.

Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada's funding programs

Learn more about Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada's funding programs.


Trade and Transportation Corridors Initiative

Budget 2017 investments, Transportation 2030, National Trade Corridors Fund.

Apply for National Trade Corridors Fund: Continuous call

Funding eligibility, applicant's guide, expression of interest.


Surface infrastructure

Infrastructure programs with interprovincial/territorial or international scopes.

Apply for Transportation Assets Risk Assessment funding

Funding eligibility, conditions of funding, how to apply.


Apply for Northern Transportation Adaptation Initiative funding

Funding eligibility, conditions of funding, how to apply.

Applying to the Enhanced Road Safety Transfer Payment Program (ERSTPP) for 2019 to 2020

Funding eligibility, conditions of funding, how to apply.