The signatories of this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), hereinafter referred to as the “Participants”,
Desiring to accelerate the establishment of international green shipping corridors and broader decarbonization of the marine sector;
Recognizing that, under the Paris Agreement, accelerated action is required to hold the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels;
Taking into account the 2023 International Maritime Organization (IMO) Strategy on Reduction of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions from Ships, which recognizes that the aforementioned temperature targets would significantly reduce the risks and impacts of climate change, and aims to reach net-zero GHG emissions by or around 2050;
Recognizing that green shipping corridors with net-zero emission fuels and technologies along maritime trade routes between two (or more) ports, help accelerate adoption of low carbon fuels in the maritime industry and lead to a reduction in GHG emissions;
Recognizing that the marine sector is critical to the movement of the clean energy commodities for the global energy transition, with approximately 50% of clean fuels being transported by the marine sector by 2050;
Taking into account that international shipping enables between 80% and 90% of global trade and that without intervention, GHG emissions associated with the shipping sector are projected to grow by between 50% and 250% by 2050;
Recognizing that in the coming decade, a rapid uptake of net-zero maritime fuels and vessels, alternative propulsion systems and the global availability of supporting infrastructure, will be imperative for the transition to clean shipping and reducing the impacts of climate change, particularly on least developed countries and small island developing states;
Recognizing that the transition to clean shipping requires system-wide collaboration between ambitious governments and leaders from the private sector, and a strategy to map out multi- stakeholder synergies;
Believing that concerted efforts will demonstrate that maritime decarbonization is possible, while unlocking new business opportunities and socioeconomic benefits for communities across the globe;
Have reached the following understanding:
1. Overall ambition
- (a) The Participants share the common goal to support the establishment of an international, multi-port multi-jurisdiction green shipping corridor that extends from Western Canada, including Prince Rupert and Vancouver, to key ports in Europe and Asia.
- (b) The Participants intend to develop this corridor in the spirit of the Clydebank Declaration for green shipping corridors global target of least six (6) green corridors by the middle of this decade.
- (c) In supporting the establishment of green corridors, the Participants recognize that fully decarbonized fuels or propulsion technologies should not add GHGs to the global system through their lifecycle, including production, transport or consumption.
- (d) The Participants also intend to assess and report progress towards these goals in line with their own jurisdictional frameworks.
2. Application of this MOU
2.1 The Participants plan to meet at least annually, on a mutually decided date to discuss progress and share successes and barriers, including current and potential actions to support the ambitions described in Paragraph 1 of this MOU.
- 2.2 Each Participant that has not already done so plans to develop a multi-year decarbonization action plan that will extend to 2030 and beyond, and which may include planning for green corridors, support for increased research, development, and use of zero- emission technologies and investments, promoting adoption of energy efficiency measures, and developing targeted actions. The Participants commit to annually reporting on progress on their respective action plans.
- 2.3 Through green shipping corridor projects of a shared or domestic maritime route, the Participants plan to facilitate the establishment of new, strategic partnerships, with voluntary participation from port authorities, ship operators, ship owners, renewable energy developers, and others along the international shipping value chain.
- 2.4 When establishing green shipping corridors, the Participants will work to ensure that wider consideration is given to environmental impacts and sustainability, including marine conservation and building on existing measures related to the reduction of pollution from ships under the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL).
- 2.5 The Participants understand that development of green shipping corridors under this MOU will take place collaboratively through tables convened regularly among Participants and endorsers. These tables will work to identify and implement preferred geographies and technologies for corridor development. For these purposes, the Department of Transport of Canada will act as secretariat.
3. Additional dispositions
- 3.1 This MOU becomes effective for each Participant upon signature.
- 3.2 This MOU is not legally binding. In addition, application of the ambitions stated in this MOU is within the discretion of each Participant and is not conditioned upon reciprocal actions by other Participants.
- 3.3 Each Participant intends to conduct any cooperative activities under this MOU in accordance with applicable laws, regulations and policies to which it is subject.
- 3.4 Each Participant may discontinue participation in this MOU at any time by providing six (6) months' advance written notice to the other Participants.
- 3.5 This MOU may be modified by mutual written decision of all Participants.
- 3.6 Additional Participants may join this MOU upon invitation of all existing Participants.
Signed and open for signature, ___________________________at ___________________________, on this day of ___________________________, _______________, in the English and French languages, each version being equally valid.
For [Participant]: