Implementing Marine Safety Fees Regulations (MSFR)

On this page

1 Policy objective

1.1 The objective of this policy is to guide and clarify how fees should be applied. It also sets a consistent way for Transport Canada to apply the Marine Safety Fees Regulations (MSFR).

2 Policy statement

2.1 Transport Canada Marine Safety and Security (TCMSS) will maintain and track service standards for services with fees in order to meet the requirements of the Service Fees Act.

2.2 TCMSS will make all the efforts to meet our service standards.

2.3 TCMSS will maintain the department’s remission policy for cases where the service standards can’t be met.

2.4 TCMSS will consistently apply fees according to the procedures set under this policy.

3 Scope

3.1 This policy applies to all services with fees included in the MSFR.

4 Authority

4.1 The Executive Director of Navigation Safety and Environmental Programs, oversees this policy. This policy is also under the direction and authority of the Marine Safety and Security Executive Committee.

5 Responsibility

5.1 The Executive Director, Navigation Safety and Environmental Programs (AMSE), is accountable for the development, implementation, maintenance, and continuous improvement of this policy.

5.2 The Manager, Port State Inspections and Cargoes (AMSEA/B) and the Manager, Environmental Protection (AMSEE), are responsible for the development and maintenance of this policy.

5.3 TCMSS Regional Directors are responsible for the implementation of this policy.

5.4 Comments or queries related to this policy and its application should be addressed to:

Manager, Port State Inspections and Cargoes (AMSEA/B) or Manager, Environmental Protection (AMSEE)
Navigation Safety and Environmental Programs
Marine Safety and Security
Transport Canada
330 Sparks Street
Ottawa ON
K1A 0N8

6 Related documents

6.1 Marine Cargo Fee Proposal on “Let’s talk fee modernization” website

6.2 Consultation pages for modernizing fees for Marine Cargo Services

6.3 Fee modernization Marine Cargo poster

6.4 Transport Canada remission policy

6.5 Marine Safety Fees Regulations

6.6 Service Fees Act

6.7 Treasury Board Secretariat Policy on Service and Digital

6.8 Marine service standards



7 Background

7.1 In 2016, Transport Canada Marine Safety and Security began to modernize fees found in different regulations made under the Canada Shipping Act, 2001, like the Board of Steamship Inspections Scale of Fees and the Port Wardens Tariff.

7.2 Until recently, Transport Canada’s fees have not factored-in inflation, the cost delivering services, new services, changes to international conventions and improvements in infrastructure and technology.

7.3 The current fee regime for marine services is spread throughout various regulations and is very complex. This leads to confusion, inconsistency, and unpredictability for the industry.

7.4 Finally, the Service Fees Act (SFA) recently changed the legal framework governing fee setting. The SFA represents the Government’s commitment to modernizing its services and delivering value to Canadians. The SFA applies to all fees that currently exist and the ones that Transport Canada plans to introduce.

8 Date of application

8.1 This policy was approved on February 22, 2021

8.2 This policy comes into effect on same date as the Marine Safety Fees Regulations comes into force: April 1, 2021

9 Date of review or expiry

9.1 This policy will be reviewed after twelve (12) months from the effective date, and not less frequently than every five (5) years from the date of last review thereafter.

10 RDIMS reference

10.1 The English version of this document is saved in RDIMS under reference number (16477936). (PUBLICATION – TP 13585 – POLICY - MARINE SAFETY FEES REGULATIONS (MSFR) IMPLEMENTATION).

10.2 La version française du présent document est dans le SGDDI et porte le numéro de référence (17191165). (PUBLICATION – TP 13585 – POLITIQUE - MISE EN ŒUVRE DU RÈGLEMENT SUR LES DROITS DE SÉCURITÉ MARITIME).

11 Keywords

  • Marine Safety Fee Regulations (MSFR)
  • Fee modernization
  • Service Standards
  • Cost recovery
  • Service Fees Act
  • Remission

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