Tier I – Policy – Acceptance of electronic record books system

On this page

1 Policy objective

1.1 The objective of this Policy is to set acceptable standards for the recognition and acceptance of electronic record-keeping/logbooks in lieu of traditional paper logbooks and recording.

1.2 To develop and collaborate on a policy that resolves the regulatory needs, priorities, or issues emerging from the new technology of record-keeping methods.

1.3 To facilitate the consolidation of various record-keeping methods in an approved electronic record books system.

2 Policy statement

2.1 The logbook and records listed under these regulations below could be kept, as an alternative to paper hard copy, using electronic means in accordance with this policy.

Navigation Safety Regulations, 2020 (NSR, 2020)

  1. Record of navigational activities
  2. Maintenance record
  3. Radio record

Marine Personal Regulations (MPR)

  1. Official logbook

Vessel Pollution and Dangerous Chemicals Regulations (VPDCR)

  1. Oil Record Book, parts I and II
  2. Cargo Record Book
  3. Garbage Record Book, parts I and II
  4. Ozone-depleting Substances Record Book
  5. Recording of the tier and on/off status of marine diesel engines
  6. Record of Fuel Oil Changeover
  7. Record Book of Engine Parameters

2.2 Electronic record books system installed on any Canadian vessels must be certified (e.g., type approval, statement, or declaration) by one of the Canadian Recognized Organizations (RO), to comply with the following applicable requirements as amended from time to time:

  1. IMO resolution MEPC.312(74) Guidelines for the use of electronic record books under MARPOL,
  2. IMO resolution A.916(22) Guidelines for the Recording of Events Related to Navigation, Navigation Safety Regulations, and
  3. ISO 21745 Electronic record books for ships - Technical specifications and operational requirements or an equivalent technical and operational standard acceptable to a Recognized Organization.

2.3 In addition to 2.2 and applicable only to vessels engaged on International voyages (including the United States of America), a declaration of the MARPOL electronic record book required under MEPC.312(74) shall be issued to non-delegated vessels by Transport Canada Marine Safety and Security (Regional Office) and to delegated vessels by the Recognized Organization fitted with an electronic record books system.

2.4 The data in the electronic record books system must be made available on request without delay from a Marine Safety Inspector, a Surveyor of a Recognized Organization (RO), or other lawful organizations.

2.5 Authorized Representatives which fit the electronic record books system on a vessel to provide to Transport Canada (Regional) or the RO, the case may be, prior to the system's first use, a statement confirming the following:

  1. the system is installed onboard according to the specific requirements at 2.2 and the manufacturer's recommendations.
  2. each user in charge of record entries is appropriately trained in the management, use, and operation of the system.
  3. training and familiarization on the management, use, and operation of the system onboard will be provided to each new user.
  4. operating manual from the system manufacturer on the use and installation of the system is located onboard the vessel and available to the users.

3 Scope

3.1 This policy applies to all Canadian vessels fitted with an electronic record books system used for maintaining any record-keeping listed in 2.1.

4 Authority

4.1 This policy is authorized by the Marine Safety and Security Executive and is in accordance with the objectives of the CSA, 2001.

5 Responsibility

5.1 The Executive Director, of Navigation Safety and Environmental Programs (AMSE) is the functional authority for the development, implementation, maintenance, and continuous improvement of this policy concerning the record-keeping listed in section 2.1. a, b, and c.

The Manager, Navigation Safety and Radiocommunications (AMSEC) may be contacted at tc.navradio.tc@tc.gc.ca should further clarification be required.

5.2 The Director, of Seafarer Certification (AMSP) is the functional authority for the development, implementation, maintenance, and continuous improvement of this policy concerning the logbook listed in section 2.1 d.

The Manager National Marine Safety Program (AMSPN) may be contacted at AMSPN@tc.gc.ca should further clarification be required.

5.3 The Director, of Environmental Programs (AMSK) is the functional authority for the development, implementation, maintenance, and continuous improvement of this policy concerning the records listed in section 2.1 e to k.

The Manager, of Environmental Protection (AMSKE), is accountable for this policy concerning the records listed in subsection 2.1 e, f, and g, may be contacted at AMSKF@tc.gc.ca should further clarification be required.

5.4 The Senior Advisor, Marine Air Emissions (AMSKG) is accountable for this policy concerning the records listed in section 2.1 h, i, j, and k, may be contacted at MSSCleanAir-AirpurssSSM@tc.gc.ca should further clarification be required.

5.5 The regional directors are responsible for the verification of compliance to this policy on board non-delegated vessels and risk-based monitoring on delegated vessels.

5.6 Canadian Recognized Organizations are responsible for the type approval, statement, or declaration of the electronic record Books system and for the verification of compliance with this policy on delegated vessels.

5.7 Any violation of regulatory record-keeping provision should be treated as a deficiency and issued with a deficiency notice including corrective actions.

5.8 The regional office must preserve the Electronic record-keeping system request, type approval document, related AR statement, and if applicable the MARPOL declaration in the vessel folder.

6 Related documents

6.1 Navigation Safety Regulations, 2020 (NSR, 2020)

6.2 Marine Personnel Regulations (MPR)

6.3 Vessel Pollution and Dangerous Chemicals Regulations (VPDCR)

6.4 IMO resolution A.916(22). Guidelines for the Recording of Events Related to Navigation, Navigation Safety Regulations

6.5 IMO resolution MEPC.312(74). Guidelines for the use of electronic record books under MARPOL

6.6 ISO 12745 - Electronic record books for ships - Technical specifications and operational requirements.

7 Background

7.1 Canadian regulations under the Canada Shipping Act, 2001 implementing International Conventions (IMO) such as SOLAS, STCW, and MARPOL set out the record-keeping needs.

7.2 The International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) Marine Environmental Protection Committee (MEPC) made amendments to MARPOL Annexes to allow for the use of electronic format records. Such came into force on 1st October 2020. To support the use of electronic record books, guidelines have been developed (Resolution MEPC.312(74)) by the IMO.

7.3 Navigation Safety Regulations, 2020 together with the IMO resolution A.916(22). Guidelines for the Recording of Events Related to Navigation permit the preservation of recording of navigational activities by any means such as electronic, mechanical, or written, and kept for five years.

7.4 TCMSS received several inquiries from electronic record books system developers and stakeholders regarding the electronic method of recording events/activities related to navigation safety, pollution, and security in one consolidated electronic format.

7.5 The use of an electronic record book to record operational logs is an alternative method to a hard copy version. The electronic record book may allow ships to utilize technology to reduce administrative burdens, increase efficiency and contribute to shipboard environmental initiatives.

7.6 ISO 21745: Electronic record books for ships — Technical specifications and operational requirements were developed in response to maritime industry demand and the International Maritime Organization (IMO) request for a standard providing requirements for the design and testing of electronic record books on ships.

7.7 Through a Delegation Agreement, Recognized Organizations are authorized to approve the electronic record books system listed in section 2.1.

8 Date of application

8.1 This policy becomes effective on January 11, 2024.

9 Date for review or expiry

9.1 This policy shall be reviewed when new electronic logbook requirements come into force and when other logbooks/records need to be added to section 2.1.

10 RDIMS reference

10.1 The English version of this document is found under RDIMS reference number 18357835. The applied naming convention is PUBLICATION - TP 13585 – POLICY RECORD-KEEPING IN THE FORM OF AN ELECTRONIC LOGBOOK.

10.2 La version française du présent document est dans le SGDDI et porte le numéro de référence 19913631. La règle d’affectation des noms est PUBLICATION - TP 13585 - POLITIQUE - ARCHIVAGE SOUS FORME D'UN JOURNAL DE BORD ÉLECTRONIQUE

11 Keywords

  • Electronic logbook
  • Electronic record
  • Navigation Safety Regulations, 2020 (NSR 2020)
  • Marine Personnel Regulations (MPR)
  • Vessel Pollution and Dangerous Chemicals Regulations (VPDCR)
  • IMO Conventions (IMO)
  • ISO 21745: Electronic record books for ships
  • Standards of Training and Watchkeeping for seafarers. (STCW)

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