Compliance Guide For Human-Powered Non-Pleasure Vessels - TP 15204


Table of Contents

Document Information

Responsible Authority

The Executive Director, Domestic Vessel Regulatory Oversight, is responsible for this document, including any change, correction, or update.


“Original signed by Julie Gascon”

Julie Gascon, Executive Director, Domestic Vessel Regulatory Oversight, Marine Safety and Security

Date: April 22, 2014

Original Date Issued

April 2014

© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Transport, 2014.

Permission is granted, by Transport Canada, to copy this TP 15204E as required. While use of this material has been authorized, Transport Canada shall not be responsible for the manner in which the information is presented, nor for any interpretations thereof. This TP 15204E may not be updated to reflect amendments made to the original content. For up-to-date information, contact Transport Canada.

TP 15204E

Document Information

Title: Compliance Guide for Human-Powered Non-Pleasure Vessels
TP Number: 15204E
Edition: First
RDIMS Number: 6106303 v10
Catalogue Number: T29-105/2012E-PDF
ISBN: 978-1-100-21100-8


Domestic Vessel Regulatory Oversight & Boating Safety (AMSD)
Tower C, Place de Ville, 330 Sparks Street, 11th Floor
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0N8
Telephone: 1-855-859-3123 (Toll Free) or 613-991-3135
Fax: 613-991-4818


Last Review: N/A

Next Review: April 2016

Date of Issue

Affected Pages


Brief Description of Change



These Guidelines apply in respect of a human-powered vessel other than a pleasure craft.

“Human-powered” means that the vessel is not propelled by an engine and is not fitted with an engine onboard to propel it.

Racing canoes, racing kayaks and rowing shells engaged in official racing, competition activities or sanctioned regattas that are governed by safety guidelines and procedures established by the governing body are not required to carry onboard the safety equipment required by the Small Vessel Regulations and outlined in this Guideline if the vessel is attended by a safety craft that is carrying onboard a personal flotation device or lifejacket of an appropriate size for all persons.

“Guided excursion” means a non-competitive outdoor recreational activity or excursion led by a person in charge of the activity or excursion (Guide) during which the participants use a human-powered vessel. The human-powered vessel operated by the guide is a non-pleasure (commercial) vessel while the participant’s vessel is a pleasure (recreational) craft. The requirements for human-powered pleasure craft are not covered in this Guideline.

Note: Some regulatory requirements apply retroactively to all vessels, while others may only be applicable to vessels constructed after a certain date. The current version of the applicable Regulation should be consulted to determine the application of a particular requirement to your vessel.


The purpose of this document is to provide a convenient and organized reference document to the various regulatory requirements and standards in Canada that apply to human-powered non-pleasure vessels and to support the safety and protection of persons working onboard these types of vessels in Canada.

The authorized representative, owner, operator, designer and builder of a human-powered non-pleasure vessel must always refer to the most recent version of the Canada Shipping Act, 2001 (CSA 2001) and Regulations, as these Guidelines do not replace the legal requirements and may not capture recent changes made to the various Regulations. Canadian statutes and Regulations prevail in the case of conflict with these Guidelines.

When applying the Regulations and Standards referred to in these guidelines, the local Transport Canada Centre may be contacted for clarification on application or interpretation.

If technical advice is required a marine consultant with expertise regarding human-powered non-pleasure vessels and the Canadian regulatory regime should be contacted.

Authorized Representative/Owner Information

Name of Authorized Representative/Owner:



Povince/Territory (circle one):

  • AB
  • BC
  • MB
  • NB
  • NL
  • NS
  • NT
  • NU
  • ON
  • PE
  • QC
  • SK
  • YT


Phone Number (primary):

Phone Number (secondary):

Vessel Information

Hull Identification Number

Official Number



Year Built/ Imported

Construction Material


Maximum Payload

























Authorized Representative/Owner Responsibility

As the authorized representative/owner of a vessel you are reminded that you must:

  1. Ensure that the vessel and its equipment meet the requirements of the regulations;
  2. Develop procedures for the safe operation of the vessel and for dealing with emergencies;
  3. Ensure the crew receives safety training;
  4. Ensure that the passengers receive safety briefings (CSA 2001 106, SVR 304 and 307).

For guided excursions:

The person responsible for the enterprise that conducts guided excursions and the guide leader must ensure that all required safety equipment is worn by participants and that any item carried onboard is secured in place when the vessel is moving (SVR 303).


For help answering these questions refer to the guidance notes in the sections 1 through 4.

1. Safety Procedures


Are all participants and passengers given a complete pre-departure safety briefing? (SVR 304, 307)

  • Yes
  • N/A


For each voyage, is there a record onshore of the number of passengers and crew on board and the voyage to be undertaken? (SVR 305, 308)

  • Yes
  • This checklist item cannot be considered N/A.


If the water temperature is less than 15°C: 
Do you have equipment onboard or established procedures to protect all persons onboard from hypothermia and cold water shock? (SVR 303, 306)

  • Yes
  • N/A


Are there procedures for safely operating the vessel, including dealing with emergencies? (CSA 2001, section 106)

  • Yes
  • This checklist item cannot be considered N/A.


2. Navigation Equipment


Is there onboard a sound-signalling device or sound-signalling appliance? (SVR 311)

  • Yes
  • This checklist item cannot be considered N/A.


If the vessel is operated after sunset or before sunrise or in periods of restricted visibility (example fog):
Are the appropriate navigation lights on board? (SVR 311, COLREGS Rule 22 and 25)

  • Yes
  • N/A


If the vessel is more than 8 metres and navigating out of sight of seamarks:
Is there a magnetic compass on board? (SVR 311)

  • Yes
  • N/A


3. Structural Strength and Stability


Does the vessel have adequate structural strength to safely carry out its intended operations? (SVR 601)

  • Yes
  • This checklist item cannot be considered N/A.


Does the vessel have adequate stability to safely carry out its intended operations? (SVR 601)

  • Yes
  • This checklist item cannot be considered N/A.


4. Safety Equipment


Is every person onboard wearing a PFD or lifejacket of an appropriate size? (SVR 303, 310)

  • Yes
  • This checklist item cannot be considered N/A.


Are all PFDs and lifejackets that are to be worn by a person less than 16 years of age inherently buoyant? (SVR 302)

  • Yes
  • This checklist item cannot be considered N/A.


If the vessel is used on class 3 or above waters: 
Is every person on board the vessel wearing a helmet of an appropriate size? (SVR 303, 310)

  • Yes
  • N/A


Is there onboard a buoyant heaving line of not less than 15 metres in length contained in a throw bag? (SVR 310)

  • Yes
  • This checklist item cannot be considered N/A.


Is there onboard a watertight flashlight? (SVR 310)

  • Yes
  • This checklist item cannot be considered N/A.


If the vessel is not more than 6 metres in length:
Are there onboard three pyrotechnic distress signals (flares, type A, B or C), other than smoke signals (type D)? (SVR 310 and 20)

  • Yes
  • N/A


If the vessel is more than 6 metres in length:
Are there on board six pyrotechnic distress signals (flares type A, B or C), other than smoke signals (type D)? (SVR 310 and 20)

  • Yes
  • N/A


Is a first aid kit onboard? (SVR 309 and 8)

  • Yes
  • This checklist item cannot be considered N/A.


Is there onboard a bailer, a manual bilge pump or bilge-pumping arrangements? (SVR 311, 19 and 22)

  • Yes
  • This checklist item cannot be considered N/A.


If the re-boarding height from the water is greater than 0.5 metres (20 inches):
Is there a re-boarding device onboard? (SVR 310)

  • Yes
  • N/A


5. Pollution Prevention


Are you aware that it is prohibited to discharge an oil or oily mixture over board? (SVR 1002)

  • Yes
  • This checklist item cannot be considered N/A.


Are you aware that it is prohibited to discharge noxious liquids (chemicals) over board? (VPDCR 67)

  • Yes
  • This checklist item cannot be considered N/A.


Are you aware that it is prohibited to discharge sewage over board?
(VPDCR 95)

  • Yes
  • This checklist item cannot be considered N/A.


Are you aware that it is prohibited to discharge garbage over board?
( CSA 2001 187, VPDCR 4)

  • Yes
  • This checklist item cannot be considered N/A.



American Boat and Yacht Council Standard
Canadian General Standards Board
Collision Regulations
CSA 2001
Canada Shipping Act, 2001
International Organization for Standardization
Marine Personnel Regulations
National Fire Protection Association
Society of Automotive Engineers
Small Vessel Machinery Operator certificate
Small Vessel Operator Proficiency certificate
Small Vessel Regulations
TP 1332
Construction Standards for Small Vessels
TP 1861
Standards for Navigation Lights, Shapes, Sound Signal Appliances and Radar Reflectors
TP 7301
Stability, Subdivision and Load Line Standards
Underwriters Laboratories
Vessel Pollution and Dangerous Chemicals Regulations

1. Safety Procedures

Question 1.1

The intent of the pre-departure briefing is to alert passengers of hazards and to advise them of procedures to follow in the event of an emergency. Your briefing should include procedures to follow in case the person operating the vessel is not able to carry out their normal duties during an emergency.

The briefing may be in English, French or both languages and must include:

  • A demonstration showing the correct method of wearing each type of lifejacket or personal flotation device (PFD);
  • The location of the first aid kit;
  • The location of flashlights and flares;
  • The location of whistles/air horns;
  • The use of throw bags/buoyant heaving lines;
  • An explanation of the consequences of improper passenger distribution on the stability of the vessel; and
  • An explanation of how to contact the proper authorities in case of emergency.

Question 1.2

In the event of an emergency, rescue services need to know where your vessel has sailed, when you are expected to return and how many persons are onboard or with the group in the case of a guided excursion.

Before leaving shore, you must leave a record of the number of persons onboard, or in the group, with a person onshore that has been designated responsible for communicating with search and rescue authorities in the event of an emergency.

If you are operating in a remote area and it is not possible to leave this information with a person onshore, then a record of the number of persons onboard, with the group, and the area of operation should be left onshore in a known or easily found location (for example, on the departure dock or in your vehicle).

Question 1.3

Where the water temperature is less than 15 degrees Celsius, you must develop procedures to protect all participants against the effects of hypothermia and cold-water shock. For your own practical and legal protection, you must establish and document suitable procedures, based on local conditions or established industry best practices to fulfill this requirement.

Some examples of procedures that might be suitable:

  • Carrying extra blankets
  • Carrying extra clothing
  • Carrying thermal equipment
  • Wearing lifejackets or PFDs with thermal protection
  • Travelling with other vessels

Be aware of the effects of cold water shock and hypothermia — for more information visit Cold Water Boot Camp and review TP 13822, Survival in Cold Waters.

Question 1.4

Emergencies happen when least expected. As an owner or operator of a human-powered vessel you are responsible for identifying any emergency situations and developing procedures to address these scenarios. Practising responses to a variety of emergency situations will enable crewmembers to react quickly and properly to any situation. Consider scenarios applicable to your area of operation.

2. Navigation Equipment

Question 2.1

All boats must carry a sound-signalling device. This can be a pea-less whistle, a hand-held compressed gas horn or an electric horn.

Question 2.2

At a minimum, each vessel shall have ready at hand an electric torch (flashlight) or lighted lantern showing a white light which must be exhibited in sufficient time to prevent collision.

Question 2.3

The compass should be able to be adjusted and corrected. It should be capable of being illuminated for night viewing. You are not required to carry a magnetic compass if your vessel is not more than 8m in length and you navigate only within sight of seamarks. However, even if you are operating in areas within sight of seamarks, given the possibility of restricted visibility (for example, as a result of fog), carrying a compass is recommended.

3. Structural Strength and Stability

Question 3.1

The authorized representative, owner and operator of a human-powered vessel shall ensure that the structural strength and watertight integrity of the vessel continue to be adequate for its intended use.

Your vessel must meet the requirements of the construction standards (TP 1332, section 3); or if your vessel’s design has been operated for at least five years, without a marine accident or a deficiency in its construction, in an area where the environmental conditions (wind and waves) are no less severe than those likely to be encountered in the vessel’s intended area of operation, your vessel’s strength is considered adequate.

Question 3.2

Stability is the characteristic of a vessel that helps it stay upright. The Small Vessel Regulations require the owner and operator of a non-pleasure (commercial) human-powered vessel to ensure that the vessel has adequate stability to safely carry out its intended operations (SVR 601(2)).

Suitable standards for demonstrating a powered vessel’s stability are contained within TP 1332, chapter 4, for vessels of not more than 6 metres and in chapter 5 for vessels of more than 6 metres. Although these are prescribed for powered vessels, they are also technically suitable for human-powered vessels. The determination of adequate stability calculations using this standard is rather complex and it is recommended that you contact a Marine Consultant to determine if your vessel has adequate stability for its intended purpose.

For typical human-powered vessels such as canoes and kayaks, other suitable standards such as the American Boat Yacht Council (ABYC) H-29 would also bring your vessel into compliance. In accordance with this standard, a canoe is to be loaded to the point where the vessel’s freeboard (distance from the lowest part of the gunwale to the water) reaches a minimum 178 millimetres. The weight required to obtain this minimum freeboard is the vessel’s maximum loading capacity. A kayak is to be loaded to the point where its freeboard (distance from the top of the person opening to the water) reaches a minimum of 127 millimetres. The weight required to obtain this minimum freeboard is the vessel’s maximum loading capacity.

For smaller vessels it is more difficult to have a level of stability that will prevent capsizing; accordingly operator awareness is of particular importance. The primary requirement is for the vessels to remain afloat when swamped and to provide something to hang on to. The ability of the vessels to remain afloat when swamped is provided by flotation material fitted by the manufacturer.

Please be advised that the maximum capacity you obtain from this test includes the weight of all persons, cargo and equipment carried by the vessel. You may also be able to obtain this information by contacting the vessel’s manufacturer.

4. Safety Equipment

Question 4.1

You are required to carry onboard a lifejacket or PFD of an appropriate size for each person onboard and to make sure that everyone onboard wears a lifejacket or PFD of an appropriate size. The chart below outlines the different types of lifejackets and PFDs .

  Lifejackets Personal Flotation Devices (PFDs)

Standard Lifejacket

SOLAS Lifejacket

Small Vesel Regulations Lifejacket

Inherently buoyant PFD

Inflatable PFD

Styles Keyhole Keyhole Keyhole or vest type Vest, coat, coverall or keyhole Vest or pouch
Colours Orange, red or yellow Orange, red or yellow Orange, red or yellow Any colour (bright colours recommended) Any colour (bright colours recommended)
Approval TC TC TC TC , DFO , CCG TC , DFO , CCG
Sizes Under 40 kg (90 lbs);
Over 40 kg
Under 32 kg (70 lbs);
Over 32 kg
Under 18 kg (40 lbs);
18 kg up to 40 kg;
Over 40 kg (90 lbs)
Range of sizes from child to adult Adult over 36 kg (80lbs); adjusts to size
Turning ability?
(Keeps your face out of the water, even if you are unconscious)
Yes Yes For most people No, provides flotation only Not guaranteed, but tends to turn a person when inflated.

Question 4.2

Inherently buoyant PFDs or lifejackets do not require any action to activate flotation; they are often made from unicellular foam or macro-cellular elements. This differs from inflatable PFDs and lifejackets, where you have to pull on a tab, blow in a tube or be submerged in water to activate the inflation.

Examples of inherently buoyant lifejackets: See chart in questions 4.1 for details on different types of lifejackets and PFDs

Example of an inherently buoyant PFD: See chart in questions 4.1 for details on different types of lifejackets and PFDs

Question 4.3

Operating a vessel in class 3 or above waters increases the likelihood of a person being thrown overboard. On these voyages, each person must wear an appropriately sized helmet. Wearing a helmet saves lives and protects persons from serious head injuries.

“Class 3 or above waters” (defined in section 300 of the Small Vessel Regulations) means waters that have:

  1. rapids with moderate and irregular waves; or
  2. rapids that are stronger, have more obstructions or are otherwise more difficult to navigate than rapids with moderate and irregular waves.

“Helmet” (defined in section 300 of the Small Vessel Regulations) means a helmet that has a fastening system and that is designed to protect a person’s head from injury from the mid-line of the forehead to the back of the crown of the head.

Question 4.4

A buoyant heaving line is thrown toward a person in the water for them to hold onto while you pull them alongside your boat. The throw bag keeps it from getting knotted and makes it easier to throw.

An example of a buoyant heaving line is a 15m x 7mm polypropylene floating rope with a bright orange nylon and polyester self-draining bag with reflective safety tape.

Question 4.5

You must be sure that the batteries in your watertight flashlight are still fully charged before every trip. It is a good idea to check the flashlight regularly and to keep spare batteries on hand.

Apart from its use as emergency lighting, your watertight flashlight may be needed to signal for help.

Questions 4.6 and 4.7

When buying marine distress flares, you should look for a Transport Canada approval stamp or label. There are four types of flares: A, B, C and D.

  • Type A: Rocket Parachute Flare,
  • Type B: Multi-Star Flare,
  • Type C: Hand-Held Flare,
  • Type D: Smoke Signal (Buoyant or Hand-Held)

Your flares must be of type A, B or C.

Remember that flares are only good for four years from the date of manufacture (not the date of purchase), which is stamped on every flare. You should also ask the manufacturer how to dispose of your expired flares.

Flares should be kept within reach and stored vertically in a cool, dry location (such as a watertight container) to keep them in good working condition.

Question 4.8

You must have a first aid kit onboard your vessel. This first aid kit must be packed in a waterproof case capable of being tightly closed after use and must be either:

  1. A marine emergency first aid kit that contains the following:

    • An up-to-date first aid manual or up-to-date first aid instructions, in English and French
    • 48 doses of analgesic medication of a non-narcotic type
    • Six safety pins or one roll of adhesive first aid tape
    • One pair of bandage scissors or safety scissors
    • One resuscitation face shield
    • Two pairs of examination gloves
    • 10 applications of antiseptic preparations
    • 12 applications of burn preparations
    • 20 adhesive plasters in assorted sizes
    • 10 sterile compression bandages in assorted sizes
    • 4 m of elastic bandage
    • Two sterile gauze compresses
    • Two triangular bandages
    • A waterproof list of the contents, in English and French

    Note: You may meet this requirement either by buying a kit that contains all of the above items or you may purchase the above items separately. In either situation, the items must be stored in a waterproof case.


  2. A first aid kit that meets the requirements of the Maritime Occupational Health and Safety Regulations or of provincial regulations governing workers’ compensation, with the addition of a resuscitation face shield and two pairs of examination gloves if the kit does not already contain them.

Question 4.9

Bailers must hold at least 750 ml (just over 1½ pints), have an opening of at least 65 cm2 (10 in2) and be made of plastic or metal.

If you have a manual bilge pump, the pump and hose must be long enough to reach the bilge space and pump the water over the side of the boat.

Question 4.10

When the freeboard exceeds 0.5 m (1’8”) you will need a reboarding device.

Freeboard is the vertical height a person must climb to reboard the boat from the water.

A “reboarding device” (defined in section 1 of the Small Vessel Regulations) means a ladder, lifting harness or other device that does not include any part of the vessel’s propulsion unit and that assists a person to gain access to the vessel from the water.

If your vessel has transom ladders or swim platform ladders it already meets this requirement.