Instructions to Complete Individual Sections

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Section I

  1. Enter all the required particulars of the ship and details of radio certification.
  2. Enter the method(s) of ensuring the serviceability of the radio equipment, SOLAS (Safety of Life at Sea) vessels only including details of the service company or companies if shore-based maintenance is the chosen routine.

Section II

This section provides direction on how to use the Message Class Indicator. The Message Class column is provided to facilitate rapid and accurate log keeping on board. The Message Class Indicator is used to identify type of call.

Section III

Enter the names of the radio operators, the dates each operator is on board and identify the radio certificate held by the individual. Indicate clearly the name of the radio operator designated to operate the radio equipment during emergencies as required by the Crewing Regulations.

Section IV

It is suggested that the Master nominate a qualified person(s) to maintain the Log and to carry out the tests and checks of the equipment required by the Ship Station (Radio) Technical Regulations, 1999 and the Ship Station (Radio) Regulations, 1999. Enter the name of the qualified person(s) in this section.

Section V

This section comprises the diary record of the operation of the radio installation. The radio operator making a notation in this section shall initial each individual entry. The summary column(s) must include the following:

  1. the date and time of each entry made in the radio log, Section 39 of the Ship Station (Radio) Technical Regulations, 1999 which states, a person using a ship station shall, when stating the time during voice communications on a ship that is engaged on;
    1. an international voyage, observe coordinated universal time ( UTC );
    2. a voyage in the Great Lakes Basin, observe Eastern Standard Time; and
    3. any other type of voyage, observe the local time of the area in which the ship is navigating.
    4. a radio operator using a ship station shall, when stating the time, use the 24-hour system expressed by means of four figures from 00:01 to 24:00 followed by the time zone identifier.
  2. a summary of all radio communications, including the date, time, frequency used and details with respect to:
    1. distress and urgency communications,
    2. safety communications that relate to the ship’s location and voyage,
    3. abnormal radio propagation conditions that may reduce the effectiveness of the ship station, and
    4. any other important service incident.
  3. the date and time a check, test or inspection required by the Ship Station (Radio) Technical Regulations, 1999, was carried out and the results obtained including, for each day that the ship is at sea (see Appendix A):
    1.  the operating condition of the radio equipment determined by normal communication or a test call, as well as the position of the ship at the time the determination is made,
    2.  the assessment of the reserve source of energy, and
    3.  if any of the radio equipment is found not to be in working order, a notation that the master was informed.
  4. the position of the ship indicated in each voyage report transmitted to Automated Mutual-Assistance Vessel Rescue System ( AMVER ) and the time that the ship was at the reported position;
  5. the time of an inadvertent transmission of a distress, urgency or safety communication and the time and method of its cancellation;
  6. the date, time and details of any significant maintenance carried out on the ship station, including the name of the person or the company that performed the maintenance tasks; and
  7. any corrective action taken to remedy any deficiency in the radio equipment required by the Ship Station (Radio) Technical Regulations, 1999.
  8. the date shall include the day, month and year.

Section VI (if required)

Distress and distress related communications received as hard copy via NAVTEX , Enhanced Group Calling, Narrow Band Direct Printing or satellite telex should be recorded on the Log and filed (using invisible tape) at the rear of the Official Radio Log in date order. Hard copy concerning weather or navigational warnings need not be retained, but the time their receipt must be noted in the "Message Class" column by the appropriate designator and time. If more space is required during completion of this section it is permissible to continue filing towards the center of the log book within Section V. Note: Section VI is only required to be completed if the ship is fitted with any of the direct printing equipment described above.

Appendix A

Assessments and Tests

Instructions concerning daily, weekly and monthly tests and checks of equipment and reserve power are set out in the Appendix A. The required test must be entered into the Official Radio Log on completion. A brief summary of the operational capability of the equipment together with the names of any station contacted during tests should also be recorded. If any of the radio equipment is found not to be in full working order, the nominated person must notify the Master and record details of the deficiencies in the Log.

Appendix B

Two suggested Reserve Source of Energy Log Sheets are set out in Appendix B to record the status of back-up power in accordance with Section 48 of the Ship Station (Radio) Technical Regulations, 1999.

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