Maritime Labour Certificate & Declaration of Compliance

Transport Publication - TP 13585 E

TP 13585 E (Online Manual)
Marine Safety Management System – Policy

PDF Version

1 Policy Objective

1.1 The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance on the issuance process of a Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance, a Maritime Labour Certificate or an Interim Labour Certificate.

2 Policy Statement

2.1 This policy is intended to standardize the process for issuing a Maritime Labour Certificate, an Interim Maritime Labour Certificate and a Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance-Part I.

3 Scope

3.1 Canadian vessel of 500 gross tonnage or more that is engaged on an international voyage, other than an inland voyage (as described in the MPR).

4 Authority

4.1 Maritime Labour Convention 2006 (MLC 2006)

4.2 Canada Shipping Act 2001(CSA 2001)

4.3 Marine Personnel Regulations (MPR)

4.4 Canada Labour Code

4.5 Maritime Occupational Health and Safety (MOHS) Regulations

5 Responsibility / further information

5.1 The Director, Personnel Standards and Pilotage (AMSP), is accountable for the development, implementing, maintenance, and continuous improvement of this policy.

5.2 Regional Directors are responsible for the application of this policy.

6 Appendix of Forms

6.1 Forms #82-0717, 82-0688, 82-0689 and 82-0690 are available on TC internal forms catalogue. Form #82-0691 is available on TC external forms catalogue.

6.2 Forms #82-0717: Application for a Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance Document

6.3 Form #82-0690: Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance - Part I

6.4 Form #82-0691: Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance Part II

6.5 Form #82-0689: Interim Maritime Labour Certificate

6.6 Form #82-0688: Maritime Labour Certificate

7 Related Documents

7.1 Maritime Labour Convention, 2006

7.2 Marine Personnel Regulations – Part 3 – Division 6

7.3 Tier II – Procedure - Maritime Labour Certificate & Declaration of Compliance (RDIMS: 8333833)

7.4 Tier III- Working Instruction - Maritime Labour Certificate & Declaration of Compliance (RDIMS: 8318649)

7.5 Guidelines for flag State inspections under the MLC 2006

8 Background

8.1 The 94th (Maritime) Session of the International Labour Conference (Geneva, February 2006) adopted the MLC 2006, an important new international agreement that consolidates almost all of the 70 existing International Labour Office (ILO) maritime labour instruments in a single modern, globally applicable, legal instrument.

8.2 The MLC, 2006, establishes the labour working conditions and requirements on board vessels including, among other things, conditions of employment, hours of work and rest, accommodations, recreational facilities, food and catering, health protection, medical care, welfare, and social security protection. It combines rights and principles with specific standards and detailed guidance as to how to implement these standards at the national level. These requirements are consistent with Part 3 of the Marine Personnel Regulations, entitled “Maritime Labour Standards”.

8.3 The MLC, 2006 requires from the owner/operators of ships greater than 500 gross tonnage, engaged on an international voyage, other than an inland voyage, to certify that the working and living conditions onboard their ships are maintained in compliance with the MLC,2006.

8.4 The MLC, 2006 will come into force on August 20, 2013.

9 Definitions

9.1 Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance means the declaration referred to in Regulation 5.1.3 of the MLC2006.

9.2 Maritime Labour Certificate means the certificate referred in Regulations 5.1.3 of the MLC 2006.

10 Date of Application

10.1 This policy becomes effective on July 1st, 2013.

11 Date for Review or Expiry

11.1 This policy is to be reviewed five years after the date of application.

12 RDIMS Reference

12.1 The English version of this document is saved in RDIMS under reference number 8328004. This naming convention is: TIER I - Maritime Labour Certificate & Declaration of Compliance

12.2 La version française du présent document est dans le SGDDI et porte le numéro de référence 8570662 La règle d’affectation des noms est : VOLET I – “Certificat de travail maritime et déclaration de conformité »

12.3 This is the first approved and finalized English version of this document.

13 Keywords

  • Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance
  • Interim Maritime Labour Certificates
  • Maritime Labour Certificate
  • Maritime Labour Convention 2006