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Bulletin No.: 01/2011

PDF Version


RDIMS No .: 6563780
Date ( Y-M-D ): 2011-03-17

Subject: Interim Registration Guidance for Human-powered Vessels, Small Sailing Vessels, and Small Vessels Fitted with Propulsion Motors Less Than 10  hp (7.5 kW )

This Bulletin has been replaced by Bulletin No. 05/2012.



For the purposes of this policy, a “human-powered vessel” is a vessel that is propelled by no other means of propulsion than humans, such as canoes or kayaks.


Section 46 of the Canada Shipping Act, 2001 ( CSA 2001), which came into force on July 1, 2007, requires that all vessels, other than pleasure craft or those registered in another country, be registered in either the Canadian Register of Vessels or in the Small Vessel Register.  Those vessels that are solely used for pleasure are not required to register under the  CSA 2001.    


Registration for all human-powered vessels (such as canoes or kayaks), as well as for all small sailing vessels and all small vessels fitted with propulsion motors less than 10  hp (7.5 kW ) will not be required.  Registration will continue to be required for commercial river rafts, government vessels, or other vessels in future which require registration for safety reasons.

Vessel owners or operators must still comply with construction, safety, and pollution requirements set out in the Canada Shipping Act, 2001. Should the owners of such a vessel wish to register their vessel, they are free to do so voluntarily.  A new simplified registration process has been created for human-powered vessels for those who wish to register voluntarily.

Voluntary Registration

Through the new simplified registration process for human-powered vessels, Transport Canada will:

  • accept a single application form for a vessel or a fleet of vessels;
  • charge a $50.00 fee for a single vessel or a fleet of vessels, valid for five years; and
  • issue a single registration number to a single vessel or a fleet of vessels.

Owners registering a fleet of human-powered vessels shall also provide:

  • the number, length or approximate length, and type of vessels in the fleet, including the Hull Identification Number ( HIN ), if available.

The Chief Registrar must be informed:

  • of a change in ownership of a vessel or a fleet; and   
  • if the vessel or fleet has been disbanded.




The following document is available for downloading or viewing: 
Interim Registration Guidance for Human-powered Vessels, Small Sailing Vessels, and Small Vessels Fitted with Propulsion Motors Less Than 10  hp kW   (35 KB




To access the Portable Document Format ( PDF ) version you must have a PDF reader installed. If you do not already have such a reader, there are numerous PDF readers available for free download or for purchase on the Internet:

Questions concerning this bulletin should be addressed to:

1. Human-powered vessels
2. Small Vessel Register
3. Canoes or kayaks

Yvette Myers
North American toll-free  no. 1-877-242-8770
Transport Canada
Marine Safety
Tower C, Place de Ville
10 th Floor, 330 Sparks Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0N8





To add or change your address, contact us at: or 613-991-3135.

Owners of affected commercial vessels automatically receive Bulletins.