Ship Safety Bulletins (SSB)
RDIMS No.: 2328910
Date (Y-M-D): 2007-08-02
Subject: Information on Persons on Board, Counting, Recording, and Special Needs
This Bulletin replaces Bulletin No. 16/1999.
The purpose of this bulletin is to advise passenger vessel owners and masters of upcoming requirements and to recommend voluntary early implementation. The intent of this initiative is for owners and masters to have readily available information on all persons on board that will be of great assistance during emergency situations and search and rescue missions.
Transport Canada intends to adopt the International Maritime Organisation Regulation 27 of Chapter III of the SOLAS Convention in regard to information on passengers with the following additional details.
- All persons on board all passenger ships shall be counted to departure. The number shall be recorded and shall be readily available to the master.
- Details of persons who have declared a need for special care or assistance in emergency situations shall be recorded and communicated to the master prior to departure. Means should be taken by owners to facilitate self-identification of such persons. Such means may include instructions to passengers during pre-departure safety briefings to approach crewmembers to self-identify and obtain further information.
- In addition, the names and gender of all persons on board, distinguishing between adults, children and infants, shall be recorded for search and rescue purposes:
- on Unlimited Voyages (formerly Foreign Voyages) or Near Coastal Voyages Class 1 (formerly Home Trade Voyages Class 1 or 2);
- on voyages longer than 12 hours;
- on overnight voyages or voyages on which there is at least one assigned berth.
- The information required by paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 shall be kept ashore and made readily available to the master and to search and rescue services when needed.
It is anticipated that these recommendations will be incorporated into regulation in the near future. Transport Canada requests that comments be provided on the impact of such measures.
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Information on Persons on Board, Counting, Recording, and Special Needs (21 KB)
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Keywords: Questions concerning this bulletin should be addressed to:
2. Passenger Vessel
3. Ferry
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