Bulletin No.: 10/1997

Subject: Fire in the Self-Unloading Bulk Carrier "Ambassador"; TSB Report No. M94M0057 {Recommendation - M96-08}

Date (Y-M-D): 1997-08-22

TSB Report No. M94M0057 {Recommendation - M96-08}

One of the recommendations in a TSB Marine Occurrence Report No. M94M0057 concerning a fire, in the cargo handling conveyor system of the self-unloading Vanuatu Registered Bulk Carrier "M.V. Ambassador", which occurred on December 31, 1994, was that "the Department of Transport take appropriate measures to ensure that on-board fire-fighting capabilities of vessels in Canadian ports and harbours are functional and readily available during cold weather operations."[M96-08]

This Ship Safety Bulletin is issued to ensure that Owners, Ship Operators and Administrations of self-unloading bulk carriers registered in Canada, take every precaution to prevent such an occurrence.

Canadian Registered Domestic vessels must comply with Transport Canada's "Fire Protection, Detection and Extinguishing Equipment Regulations" ( FPDEER ) with regard to the above recommendation.

The FPDEER states:

In Part I section 6. (3) (a) that when plans and data are submitted for approval they shall include... "means of protecting piping and equipment from freezing".

In Part II Schedule I Section 5 (2) : "The arrangement of piping and hydrants shall be such as to avoid the possibility of freezing"...

In Part II Schedule I Section 5 (3) : "Where ducting, tunnels, or void spaces may be subject to freezing, the piping shall be heat-traced".

In Part II Schedule I Section 5 (4) : "Where fire-main piping is led along the open deck, the piping shall be insulated and heat-traced".

Similarly, SOLAS Convention vessels must comply with the IMO - SOLAS 74 Regulations and amendments in force as under:

SOLAS Chapter II-2 Part A - Regulation 4 - paragraph 6.1 states "The arrangement of pipes and hydrants shall be such as to avoid the possibility of freezing".

For further information on the above subject you may contact Transport Canada Marine Safety, Ottawa, or contact M. Andrades at 613-998-1795.

Keywords:                                  Questions concerning this bulletin should be addressed to:

1. TSB Report No.M94M0057
2. FPDEER -1989 M. Andrades
M. Andrades
(613) 998-1795
Transport Canada
Marine Safety
Tower C, Place de Ville
11th Floor, 330 Sparks Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0N8

To add or change your address, contact us at: marinesafety@tc.gc.ca

Owners of commercial vessels, registered and licensed, automatically receive Bulletins.