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Bulletin No.: 16/2000

Date (Y-M-D): 2000-11-21

Subject: Canadian code of safe practice for ships carrying timber deck cargoes, TP 2534

Lashing Points to include Lashing Plates, D-rings, Padeyes, Eye Plates, etc.

This Bulletin advises on the need for vessels intending to carry timber deck cargoes, after 1 January 2001, to have proper and "approved lashing points" for use in the deck cargo securing.

Chapter 4 of the Code in section 4.1.1. requires, inter alia, that: "Every lashing should pass over the timber deck cargo and be shackled to eye plates suitable and adequate for the intended purpose and efficiently attached to the deck stringer plate or other strengthened points".

Annex E of the Canadian Code (Ship Safety Bulletin 2/98 provides further details) requires:

5. Where used in the securing of cargo, every lashing, components and eye plate permanently attached to the Ship shall:

  1. undergo a visual examination by the Port Warden before loading or securing cargo, and
  2. where a Port Warden doubts the good condition or certification,
    1. be rejected and not used in securing cargo; or
    2. in the case of eye plates permanently attached to the ship, be tested and certified by a competent person to meet or exceed the required strength for lashings.

In the case of lashing points used for securing Timber Deck Cargoes, it has been found that in some cases new eye plates were required to be fitted in order to meet the requirements for spacing of lashings.

All such installations must be approved by the Flag State or the Classification Society authorized to act on its behalf, as they are considered as a modification to the ship's structure.

In many cases, it has been found that lashing points had been welded to an unstiffened plate, which may cause cracking or plate buckling damage. Scantlings of existing ship structures may also not allow for additional cargo securing loads. The structure in the way of fixed securing devices may require additional local stiffening by means of header or intercostals between longitudinals or athwartships under deck frames for proper distribution of forces. Such installations should conform to relevant Classification Society Rules and require an evaluation by the appropriate Classification Society.

It is therefore necessary that Flag State or Classification Society approval be obtained before such lashing points are considered for use on ships intending to load a timber deck cargo.

All parties should be made aware that any additional lashing points installed must be approved by the relevant Classification Society, to be accepted on ships intending to load Timber Deck Cargo in Canadian Ports after 1 January 2001. These additional lashing points should be incorporated into the lashing plans, required under part 4.6 of the Timber Code, and be positioned on suitably strengthened points to provide an adequate lead so that the tightening device can produce the required load (4.1.3 in the Code) in the horizontal and vertical part of the lashing.

Keywords:                                  Questions concerning this bulletin should be addressed to:

1. Timber deck cargo
2. Lashing points
3. Pad eyes
Jan Zwaan
Transport Canada
Marine Safety
Tower C, Place de Ville
11th Floor, 330 Sparks Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0N8

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