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Equivalency regarding Royal Canadian Navy competencies and Certificates of Competency and/or Certificates of Proficiency from Transport Canada - SSB No.: 01/2023

RDIMS No .: 19073188
Date (Y-M-D) : 2023-02-02

We issue Ship Safety Bulletins for the marine community. Visit our Website at to view existing bulletins and to sign up to receive e-mail notices of new ones.

This bulletin has been replaced by Ship Safety Bulletin No. 24/2023.


This bulletin is to inform seafarers and marine stakeholders how members of the regular force serving in the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) can receive credit towards obtaining commercial marine certification under the Marine Personnel Regulations (MPR).


This bulletin provides:

  • An overview of currently approved training provided by the RCN for the purpose of obtaining a Certificate of Competency (CoC) or Certificate of Proficiency (CoP) from Transport Canada; and
  • In addition, efforts are underway to recognize additional RCN training programs, certificates, and sea service by Transport Canada.

What you need to know

As detailed in the Transport Publication (TP) Recognized Institutions and Approved Training Courses - TP 10655, Transport Canada has accepted the RCN as an Approved Course Provider for the purposes of the MPR, as summarised below.

Deck certification and engineering certification

To date the RCN has been approved to issue the following training certificates for all of their personnel who have completed the Naval Environmental Training Program. Transport Canada can issue Certificates of Proficiencies if the training has been completed within 5 years before the application date.

  • Marine Emergency Duties (MED) with Respect to Standard for Training Certification and Watchkeeping (STCW) Basic Safety Training Certificate;
  • MED with Respect to STCW Basic Safety Refresher Training Certificate with completion of the RCN Fire/Flood and Sea Survival Refresher Training;
  • MED with Respect to Advanced Firefighting Training Certificate; and,  
  • MED with Respect to Advanced Firefighting Refresher Training Certificate
    with completion of the RCN Fire/Flood Refresher Training.

Deck certification

  • RCN Boatswains who have successfully completed the Qualification Level (QL) 3 training as well as the On-the-Job-Training will receive the Bridge Watch Rating (BWR) Training Certificate with the credit for steering testimonial. The additional sea service required for this trade is 60 days (day for day) on commissioned vessels operated by the Department of National Defense.
  • In addition to the BWR training certificate and the 60 days sea service to obtain a BWR CoC, the successful completion of the MED with respect to Survival Craft and Rescue Boats other than Fast Rescue Boats within 5 years before the application date, Marine Basic First Aid training, and holding a valid Marine Medical Certificate are required.

Engineering certification

Levels of the Marine Technician (MARTECH) legacy training prior 2013 that had been assessed against TP 8911 – Engineering Officer Education and Training Program:

  • A seafarer who achieves QL3, and has obtained a Certificate 1 from RCN is eligible, depending on an assessment, to receive an Engine-room Rating CoC under the MPR, and
  • A seafarer who achieves QL5 and has obtained Certificate 2 from RCN is eligible, depending on an assessment, to receive a Fourth-class Engineer, Motor Ship or Steamship CoC under the MPR.

Please note: other certificate qualifications are currently under review with respect to engineering and nautical certificates.

Ship’s cook certificate of competency

For a military cook who achieves the QL5 and has served on RCN vessels, RCN will issue a Transport Canada training certificate. The candidate will still be required to provide 30 days of sea service, a valid marine medical certificate, current Marine Advanced First Aid training certificate, and valid MED training certificate with respect to STCW Basic Safety.

For further information

Please contact your local Transport Canada office to discuss and make an appointment to receive credit towards obtaining marine certification under the MPR.

Currently serving RCN/Canadian Armed Forces members should contact Naval Personnel and Training Group Headquarters RCN.

Atlantic region:

Toll Free Number for all Atlantic regions: 1-855-859-3123

New Brunswick:
  • Bathurst: 506-548-7491

  • Saint John: 506-636-4748

Newfoundland and Labrador:
  • Corner Brook: 709-637-4390

  • Lewisporte: 709-535-2503

  • St. John’s: 709-772-5167

Nova Scotia:
  • Dartmouth: 902-461-3861

  • Port Hawkesbury: 902-625-0803

  • Sydney: 902-564-7002

  • Yarmouth: 902-742-6860

Prince Edward Island:
  • Charlottetown: 902-566-7987

Ontario region:
  • Sarnia: 519-383-1826

  • Toronto: 416-952-1018

  • Kingston: 613-545-8676

  • St. Catharines: 905-688-4360

  • Thunder Bay: 807-766-2600

Québec region:
  • Gaspé: 418-368-2444

  • Îles-de-la-Madeleine: 418-986-6275

  • Montréal: 1-855-842-7042 or 514-283-0574

  • Québec: 1-888-649-6292 or 418-648-3238

  • Rimouski: 1-800-427-4417 or 418-722-3040

  • Sept-Îles: 418-968-4991

Prairie and Northern region:
  • Toll-free number for Edmonton and Winnipeg: 1-888-463-0521  

Pacific region:
  • Nanaimo: 250-754-0244

  • Prince Rupert: 250-627-3045

  • Vancouver: 604-666-0834

  • Victoria: 250-363-0394


1. Royal Canadian Navy
2. Equivalency
3. Certificates of Competency, Certificates of Proficiency

Questions concerning this Bulletin should be addressed to:


Transport Canada
Marine Safety and Security
Tower C, Place de Ville
330 Sparks Street, 8th Floor
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0N8

Contact us at: Email: or Telephone: 1-855-859-3123 (Toll Free).