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Temporary Measures Regarding Marine Personnel Certificates, Discharge Books and Marine Counter Services - SSB No.: 13/2020

This bulletin has been replaced by Ship Safety Bulletin No. 21/2020

RDIMS No .: 16427138
Date (Y-M-D) : 2020-05-13

We issue Ship Safety Bulletins for the marine community. Visit our Website at to view existing bulletins and to sign up to receive e-mail notices of new ones.

This bulletin replaces Ship Safety Bulletins No. 03/2020 and 08/2020


This bulletin outlines temporary measures related to marine personnel certificates, discharge books and marine counter services implemented during the COVID-19 period. This Ship Safety Bulletin supersedes and repeals SSB 03/2020 issued on March 3, 2020, and SSB 08/2020 issued on March 24, 2020. 


This bulletin applies to:

  • Seafarers; and
  • Authorized Representatives.

What you need to know

Marine Personnel Certificates

Any certificate of competency, certificate of proficiency, examiner certificate or training certificate that expired between October 1, 2019 and March 15, 2020 is automatically extended until September 30, 2020. There is no need for the seafarer to make an application.

Any certificate of competency, certificate of proficiency, examiner certificate or training certificate that expires between March 16, 2020 and September 1, 2020, is granted an extended validity of 6 months (from date of expiry). There is no requirement to submit an application to obtain this extension.

For any urgent questions regarding certification or crewing, please contact:
Elisabeth Bertrand, Director, Marine Personnel Certification and Standards at:, or by telephone at: 613-793-6275.

Medical Certificates

Any marine medical certificate and provisional marine medical certificate that expires before September 1, 2020, is granted an extended validity of 6 months (from date of expiry). There is no requirement to submit an application to obtain this extension.
For any urgent questions regarding marine medical certificates, please contact:
Julie Bédard, Director Marine Medicine and Pilotage Programs:, or by telephone at: 613-302-9634.

Discharge Books

Transport Canada has temporarily ceased the issuance of discharge books during the COVID-19 pandemic period. The Master of the vessel, the Chief Engineer, or the vessel's Authorized Representative can record, sign and stamp seafarers' sea service using either nautical or engineering testimonial forms which are relevant to the position held. Both forms are readily available through the Transport Canada forms catalogue (Forms 82-0546 and 82-0666 respectively).

Once services return to normal, seafarers can obtain a discharge book from a Transport Canada Marine Safety Examination Center and either:

  • request appropriate authorized persons to complete entries missing in the discharge book, or
  • use testimonials of sea service obtained during this COVID-19 pandemic period, as proof of sea service.

Marine Counter Service

In order to minimize the risk of exposure to the COVID-19 Coronavirus Disease, “walk-in” service has been suspended. Transport Canada Marine Safety and Security remains committed to providing services over the phone or by e-mail. For urgent files that must be processed in person at a TC office, they will be handled by “appointment only.

Please call the local office to discuss and, if necessary, make an appointment:

Ontario Region:

  • Sarnia: 519-383-1826
  • 4900 Yonge St.: 416-952-1018
  • Kingston: 613-545-8676
  • St. Catharines: 905-688-4360
  • Thunder Bay: 807-766-2600

Québec Region:

  • Îles-de-la-Madeleine: 418-986-6275
  • Montréal: 1-855-842-7042 or 514-283-0574
  • Québec: 1-888-649-6292 or 418-648-3238
  • Rimouski: 1-800-427-4417 or 418-722-3040
  • Sept-Îles: 1-877-303-3435

Atlantic Region:

New Brunswick

  • Bathurst: 506 548-7491
  • Saint John: 506-636-4748

Newfoundland & Labrador:

  • Corner Brook: 709-637-4390
  • Lewisporte: 709-535-2503
  • St. John's: 709-772-3430 or 709-727-8734

Nova Scotia:

  • Dartmouth: 902-461-3860
  • Port Hawkesbury: 902-625-0803
  • Sydney: 902-564-7002
  • Yarmouth: 902-742-6860

Prince Edward Island:

  • Charlottetown: 902-566-7987 or 902-566-7986

Prairie & Northern Region:

  • All offices: 1-888-463-0521

Pacific Region:

  • Vancouver: 604-666-0834
  • Prince Rupert: 250-627-3045
  • Victoria: 250-363-0394
  • Nanaimo: 250-754-0244


1. COVID-19
2. Discharge Book
3. Marine Counter Services

Questions concerning this Bulletin should be addressed to:

Transport Canada
Marine Safety and Security
Tower C, Place de Ville
330 Sparks Street, 11th Floor
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0N8

Contact us at: Email: or Telephone: 1-855-859-3123 (Toll Free).