
Current requirements for escorts in restricted areas

381 (1) A person who is being escorted in a restricted area shall remain with the escort while in the restricted area.
(2) An escort shall remain with the person being escorted or ensure that another holder of a restricted area pass acts as the escort while the person is in the restricted area.

New Regulatory Requirement for escorts for Restricted Area Twos

In the case of a restricted area two, no person shall escort more than 10 persons or one vehicle at one time.

1. Requirement

  • The escort must be present with the individual(s) / vehicle(s) being escorted.
  • Detailed written procedures will be required for the individual being assigned as the escort.
  • Procedures for regular verification (such as random sweeps) and recording of results are required. These records must be readily available to Transport Canada inspectors.

2. The function of the escort

The function of the escort is to:

  • detect and, if possible, prevent/deter unauthorized / inappropriate activity;
  • ensure that security response mechanisms are implemented, if required;
  • report and provide feedback on incidents;
  • be responsible on behalf of the facility; and
  • monitor the activities of the individual(s) being escorted.

3. Who can be an escort?

  • An individual authorized by the facility, who has a transportation security clearance (TSC) and
    the capability to perform the task, normally a member of the security personnel.



4. Who should be escorted?



  • Individuals who do not possess a TSC and require unpredictable, ad hoc access to a Restricted Area Two (R2), such as mechanics, plumbers, repair persons, etc.
  • Note: Escort provisions do not replace requirements for TSCs
    • Seasonal or temporary employees will require a clearance.


5.Process for escorting individuals


  • Being granted escorted entry to the area requires that the individual consents to supervised access and agrees to the condition of abiding by the escort’s requirements. The escorted individual must sign an appropriate entry form, with this provision, and it must include a warning that if violated, the individual is subject to Administrative Monetary Penalties (AMPs) enforced by Transport Canada.

6 Requirements of the escort

In accordance with the security plan, the escort must be able to:

  • Recognize unauthorized activity within the environment in which they are providing the escort service;
  • Initiate a response to unauthorized activity; and
  • Take appropriate security control action in accordance with security.

7. Special provisions for escorting vehicles

  • The security plan is required to include provisions for how the person(s) escorting the vehicles will be able to monitor and control the location and activities of the vehicle.
  • If the driver and/or passenger(s) has left the vehicle,
    • Individual must be escorted; and
    • Unless the vehicle has been swept, an escort must remain with the vehicle at all times.

8. Ability to identify escorted person

  • Escorted individual requires a visitor’s pass, which is distinguishable from other passes.

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