Ex. 10 - Engine Failure During Takeoff or Overshoot


To teach the student to:

  • maintain safe flight control following an engine failure during a takeoff or overshoot
  • perform the correct emergency procedures
  • attain the appropriate airspeeds and, if the aeroplane is capable, continue to climb


The takeoff and overshoot are two of the most critical phases of flight.  Failure of an engine at these times requires prompt, correct responses by the pilot to maintain safe control of the aeroplane.

Ex. 12 – Emergency Procedures/Malfunctions


To teach:

  • recognition of an emergency condition or system malfunction
  • how to complete all procedures in accordance with the POH


When an abnormal or unsafe condition is detected, a pilot must correctly assess the situation, then carry out the proper procedure to resolve the problem. Alternative action must also be considered if the pilot is not able to fully resolve a system malfunction. The alternative may be to divert to an airport nearby, while coping with limited aeroplane systems.

Ex. 3 - Taxiing


To teach how to fly a multi-engine aeroplane safely, avoiding interference with other traffic, under varying conditions.


All flights involve taxiing.  Manoeuvring multi-engine aeroplane can be demanding due to the larger size, engine placement and heavier weight.  Therefore, safe taxiing habits must be developed.

Essential Background Knowledge
