Airports Operations and Maintenance Subsidy Program

The Airports Operations and Maintenance Subsidy Program (O&MSP) was established in 1972 to assist airports in financing operations and maintenance deficits by subsidizing shortfalls between revenues and operating costs. The program was designed to maintain safe, year-round linkages to the national transportation network among remote communities.

O&MSP funding is provided through contributions to airport operators, including local governments and non-profit organizations. Allowable expenses paid under the O&MSP contribution funding include employee salaries and benefits, rent for land or equipment, utilities, insurance and other operating costs. Contribution payments are made to the airports on a quarterly or annual basis.

As of April 2013, the Airports Operations and Maintenance Subsidy Program continues to support the four eligible recipients under the O&MSP:

  • The Kativik Regional Government (Kuujjuaq Airport);
  • The Société aéroportuaire de Schefferville (Schefferville Airport);
  • The Municipalité de Natashquan (Natashquan Airport); and
  • The Municipalité de la Côte-Nord-du-Golfe-du-Saint-Laurent (Chevery Airport).