BSCP- Small Vessel Safety Component - Applicant’s Guide

The Boating Safety Contribution Program (BSCP) supports organizations that work to raise public awareness about boating safety; advance knowledge of boating safety issues, practices and behaviours in Canada; and support regulatory compliance.

On this page

Small Vessel Safety component - Objective

The objective of the Small Vessel Safety component of the BSCP is to increase the safety of small vessels that regularly interact with larger ships.

The BSCP, under this component, funds projects that:

  • increase the safety of small vessels that regularly interact with larger ships (e.g., tankers, container vessels); and
  • help prevent collisions between small and large vessels.

Eligible recipients

Organizations must qualify as one of the following eligible recipients:

  • Indigenous groups and communities
  • Not-for-profit non- government organizations (NGO)
    • all not-for-profit (NGO) applicants must provide copies of legal documentation establishing or constituting the organizations as a legal entity (letters patent, articles and certificate of incorporation, or other legal instruments)
  • Public safety organizations
  • Educational institutions
  • Healthcare institutions
  • Enforcement services
    • Proposals received from these applicants must clearly demonstrate that the project is not part of their regular law enforcement duties. – For more details, please contact us.
  • provincial, territorial and municipal governments

Available funding

The BSCP will reimburse recipients up to 75 per cent of eligible expenditures incurred for the project.

  • $2 million over one year 2021-22
  • Maximum contribution per recipient - $200,000
  • The project must begin on or after April 1, 2021

Eligibility assessment criteria

In order to be eligible, all proposals must focus on advancing the knowledge of safe navigation practices to help prevent collisions between small and large vessels and support regulatory compliance, and must support at least one of the following project categories and target groups:

Project Categories (PC)

PC 1: Conducting activities to encourage safe navigation practices to help prevent collisions between small and large vessels, and to encourage compliance with regulations through education, awareness and information.

PC 2: Producing and distributing materials to improve safe navigation practices.

Project Target Groups (PTG)

PTG 1: Coastal Indigenous communities

PTG 2: Fishing vessel operators

PTG 3: Small commercial vessel operators

Proof of Funding

Applicants must show they have enough up-front funding to carry out the proposed project. The BSCP makes no advance payments.

Applicants must identify all sources of funds in their application. Partner organizations' financial support must be confirmed in writing, and attached to the proposal.

Eligible expenditures

BSCP funding applies to eligible expenditures that are:

  • directly linked to the project
  • specifically identified as an approved expenditure in the funding agreement

Eligible expenditures may include:

  • staff wages and benefits
  • professional fees
  • travel costs
  • rental/use of equipment, office materials and/or office/meeting space
  • public outreach and communications materials and associated activities costs
  • translation costs
  • incremental insurance costs
  • administrative cost
  • Honoraria

Ineligible expenditures

Expenditures that are not eligible for funding include:

  • cost of buying land and/or buildings
  • any cost associated with Provincial Sales Tax, Harmonized Sales Tax and Goods and Services Tax for which the recipient is eligible for a credit or a tax rebate
  • costs incurred before the approval of the project or after the end date of the funding agreement

Eligible project duration and approvals

Projects should start on or after April 1, 2021 and must end by March 31, 2022.

Projects may begin upon ministerial approval.  However no reimbursements will be provided until a funding agreement is successfully negotiated and signed.

Merit Selection Criteria

The BSCP Project Selection Committee ("the committee") will review all applications to determine if they meet the eligibility assessment criteria. If eligible, the committee will then determine the degree to which they meet the following merit assessment criteria:

1. Relevance of the project

How closely the proposed project relates to the BSCP-Small Vessel Safety component objective and how well it aligns with the program's expected results.

2. Applicant's relevant experience and capacity

How well the applicant is able, in terms of resources, personnel and expertise, to complete the project. More specifically, the committee will consider the applicant's:

  • mandate and/or experience and expertise
  • demonstrated commitment based on former projects
  • need for institutional, management/organizational structure, financial and other support to successfully deliver the project

3. Quality of the proposal

The degree to which the planned activities, schedule, budget, targeted results, roles and responsibilities are clear, realistic and consistent with the project objectives. The committee will assess the proposal for:

  • a realistic budget and timeline
  • risk analysis and mitigation strategy
  • support (internal and external) towards the project

4. Value for the money

How well the proposal sets out efficient use of resources and plans for producing outputs in an affordable manner.

5. Other criteria

The BSCP selection process will also:

  • seek to fund a variety of initiatives
  • seek regional balance
  • favour proposals that identify a combination of cash outlay and in-kind contributions over those with only in-kind support
  • favour proposals that identify a greater than 25 per cent share of non-federal government funding

We have designed our assessment process to ensure that qualified projects represent the best value to BSCP's objectives and expected results.


Once the project proposal has been evaluated, a TC official will inform the applicant as to whether or not they have been selected for funding. TC reserves the right to accept or reject any project proposal.

Service standards

In an effort to improve service and conduct a transparent process, the BSCP has set the following service standards:

  • our goal is to provide applicants with written acknowledgement of the receipt of their application within 10 business days of the application deadline date
  • our goal is to issue payments within 20 business days following the notification to the recipient that the requirements outlined in the funding agreement have been fulfilled

How to apply

Project application content

Each application must follow the content outline below. This will minimize the possibility of omissions or errors on the part of applicants, and facilitate the project evaluation process at TC.

Important note: You must request the project proposal templates to complete your application.  Please contact to request your templates.

Documentation required

Your application package must include the following:

  1. Applicant information
    • legal name of the organization
    • name and position of the primary contact for application organization
    • mailing address for all correspondence
    • communication links such as office phone, email, internet address, etc.
  2. Organizational profile
    • type of organization in accordance with eligible recipients identified in this applicant's guide
    • organizational structure and governance
    • history of the organization
    • mandate of the organization
    • organizational activities
  3. Project management personnel
    • each project must have a designated project manager, with all the necessary contact information if different from applicant organization
    • evidence to support that the project manager has relevant qualifications and experience to undertake, manage and carry out the project on behalf of the applicant organization
  4. Declarations
    • conflict of interest questionnaire
    • declaration by applicant organization attesting to the accuracy of the project proposal and the commitment of the organization to carry out the project and authorized signature
  5. Project description
    • project objectives and goals
    • location of project delivery
    • proposed start and completion dates
    • major activities for the project
    • project work plan
    • partners and contributions
    • risk assessment and mitigation measures
  6. Communication plan, if applicable
  7. Letters of financial support
  8. Legal documentation of applicant organization

Important note: A Microsoft Word Project proposal template is available upon request and must be used for the application including the Microsoft Excel budget and cash flow template (Annex B).

Submit your application

Application deadlines

The deadline for application is November 15, 2020.

Important information

All project applications must be signed, accurate, comprehensive and completed using the templates provided.

The application must be submitted to the electronic mailing address.

No extensions will be granted.

Electronic mailing address

An electronic application package must be in MS Word, MS Excel or pdf format and submitted to

Transport Canada will confirm receipt of application packages.