Change Proposal


Change Proposal
(PDF, 59 KB)

1. Change Objectives

Transport Canada is proposing to develop Railway-Roadway Grade Crossings Regulations that will:

  • promote safer grade crossings to save lives, prevent severe injuries and derailments;
  • clarify roles and responsibilities; and
  • provide comprehensive safety standards.

With an approach that is:

  • phased-in;
  • focused on making grade crossings owners accountable; and
  • proactive.

2. Change Impacts

The Railway-Roadway Grade Crossings Regulations would achieve their objectives by resolving the gaps that continue to impede appropriate management of safety at grade crossings, such as establishing clear roles and responsibilities for managing the safety of grade crossings and establishing comprehensive safety standards.

The overall result would be efficiently managed and safer grade crossings, consistent with other road and rail infrastructure safety standards in Canada. This would lead to reductions in collisions, fatalities, injuries and property damage, and the potential for environmental disasters, resulting from a spill of dangerous commodities. All individuals, whether they be pedestrians, in a vehicle or on a train who use grade crossings would benefit from improved safety.

The Regulations would require the sharing of information between road and railway owners and the implementation of safety standards included in the Canadian Railway-Roadway Grade Crossings Standards (formerly RTD 10).

It is expected that an increased dialogue, information sharing and planning on crossings between road owners and railway companies would lead to an optimization of the flow of road and railway traffic at crossings, contributing to the efficiency of Canada’s transportation system. Road authorities, beneficiaries and railway companies would be accountable to be aware of and share information that impacts on the safety of their crossings, ensure that safety standards continue to be met, and to identify grade crossings of higher risk and upgrade them with enhanced safety standards as defined in the Canadian Railway-Roadway Grade Crossings Standards.

The most significant increase in cost due to the Railway-Roadway Grade Crossings Regulations, for both road owners and railway companies, would be associated with the requirement to meet certain safety standards. However, some of this work may be eligible for a contribution from Transport Canada’s Grade Crossing Improvement Program (GCIP). The GCIP provides funding for upgrades at federally-regulated railway-roadway grade crossings for public use.

3. Federal Regulatory Development Process – Key Steps

Transport Canada is complying with the federal regulatory development process for the development of the Railway-Roadway Grade Crossings Regulations, as per the Statutory Instruments Act and the Cabinet Directive on Streamlining Regulation.

To ensure the public’s and stakeholders’ viewpoints are considered, a final round of consultations is being conducted prior to publishing the Regulations in the Canada Gazette, Part I. A detailed Consultation Plan outlines how these consultations will be rolled-out following the principles of fairness, transparency and timeliness.

The draft Railway-Roadway Grade Crossings Regulations are expected to be published in Canada Gazette, Part I in 2012.