Rail transportation

Safe and secure railways, railway operating certificates, incident reporting and investigations, shipping by rail.

Services and information

Services and information

Rail safety in Canada

Rail safety program, safety management systems, compliance and enforcement

Grade crossings

Regulations and requirements for public and private crossings, filing a railway crossing agreement, sightlines, blocked crossings, train whistling.

Operating a federal railway

Railway Operating Certificates, noise and vibration requirements, work/rest and medical rules, accounting, rates.

Railway lines

Building or discontinuing railway lines, relocating railway lines in urban areas.

Requirements for locomotives and railway cars

Inspection and safety rules, passenger accessibility on trains, rules for railway air reservoirs.

Enforcement actions and measures to mitigate threats to rail safety

Notices, orders, emergency directives, fines and penalties

Shipping grain by rail

Ship grain by producer railway car.

Transportation of dangerous goods by rail

Regulations for moving dangerous goods by rail.

Railway accidents and investigations

Incident reporting, ongoing investigations, responses to rail safety recommendations.

Rail security

Security of urban rail transit, federally operated railways.


Reports, guides, rules, standards, policies, studies, bulletins.

Apply for RSIP - Research and Education intake

Program eligibility, available funding, how to apply.