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2007 TSB Recommendations & TC Responses

R05E0059 - Derailment - Canadian National Freight Train M30351-03 - Mile 49.4, Edson Subdivision, near Wabamun, Alberta - August 3, 2005 (R07-01)(R07-02)

TSB Full-Text Report (R05E0059):

TSB Recommendations R07-01 and R07-02

Rail Testing, Inspection, and Maintenance - (Action Required, as presented in the TSB Report)

The Board recommends that:

"The Department of Transport establish minimum standards for the quality and strength of maintenance rails." (R07-01)

The Board recommends that:

"The Department of Transport establish standards requiring that rails approaching their fatigue limit be replaced." (R07-02)

Transport Canada's Response (R07-01 and R07-02)

(signed by the Minister on 01/10/2008)

Transport Canada (TC) has already started work with industry to develop a long-term strategy to modernize the Track Safety Rules that will take into consideration the establishment of standards for the quality and strength of maintenance rails and for rails approaching their fatigue limit be replaced.


R04Q0040 - Main-Track Derailment, Canadian National Train U-781-21-17, Mile 3.87, Lévis Subdivision, Saint-Henri-de-Lévis, Quebec - 17 August 2004 (R07-03)(R07-04)

TSB Full-Text Report (R04Q0040):

TSB Recommendations R07-03

Roadbed Stability - (Action Required, as presented in the TSB Report)

Therefore, the Board recommends that:

"The Department of Transport and the railway industry conduct in-depth studies on the behaviour of saturated organic materials under cyclic loading." (R07-03)

Transport Canada's Response (R07-03)

(signed by the Minister on 28/04/2008)

In response to TSB Recommendation R07-03, CN has a project underway on the Edson Subdivision dealing with the behaviour of peat under cyclic loading. The results are being shared with the Railway Ground Hazard Working Committee. In addition to this, TC is planning to conduct an in-depth study of the behaviour of saturated organic materials under cyclic loading as recommended.

TSB Recommendations R07-04

Non-Pressurized Tank Car Standards - (Action Required, as presented in the TSB Report)

The Board recommends that:

"The Department of Transport extend the safety provisions of the construction standards applicable to 286 000 pound cars to all new non-pressurized tank cars carrying dangerous goods." (R07-04)

Transport Canada's Response (R07-04)

(signed by the Minister on 28/04/2008)

In response to TSB Recommendation R07-04, TC intends to table Recommendation R07-04 as a proposal for discussion and adoption at the upcoming CGSB Standards Committee CAN/CGSB 43.147. This Committee is responsible for drafting and approving Canadian tank car standards related to the "Construction, Modification, Qualification, Maintenance and Selection and Use of Means of Containment for the Handling, Offering for Transport, or Transporting of Dangerous Goods by Rail". These standards are referenced in the TDG Regulations as mandatory requirements. The next meeting of this Committee is expected to take place later this year. The agenda will also include a number of other proposed changes to the standard including a review of tank car structural integrity minimum requirements for tank cars transporting chlorine and ammonia.

Following the committee review and discussion, the endorsement of Recommendation R07-04 will be brought to a ballot.

Since adoption of this recommendation would have definite North American implications, a copy of the recommendation was also provided to the Federal Railroad Administration's Hazardous Materials Transportation Division as well as the AAR Tank Car Executive Director of Tank Car Safety.