TC O-0-26, November 8, 2001
Table of Contents
Part I - General
- Short Title
- Scope
- Definitions
- Safety Inspections
- Pre-Departure Inspections
- Qualification of Car Inspectors
- Safety Inspection Locations
- Reporting Responsibility
Part II - Safety Defects
Part III - Safety Design
- General
- Application
- Jumpers and Cable Connections
- Fail Safe Design of Circuits and Systems
- Side and End Windows and Door Glazing
- Emergency Tools and Equipment
- Emergency Brake Valve
- Defective Wheel Bearing Sensing
- Interior Finish
- Equipment Attachment
- Emergency Lighting
- Parcel and Luggage Racks
- Toilets
- Passenger Car Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities
Part IV - Exclusions and Exceptions to the Applications of these Rules
Part V - Filing Requirements With the Department
Railway Passenger Car Inspection & Safety Rules
(PDF, 188 KB)