Cosco, Eddie Bauer and Safety 1st products – harness slippage

TP 14566
Public Notice
Child Restraint Systems
2007-P05 E



Dorel Juvenile Group, Inc.
2525 State Street
Columbus, IN 47201
Web site:



Importer and Distributor:
Dorel Distribution Canada
873 Hodge
St-Laurent, QC H4N 2B1

Consumer Contact:

Model and Model Number Affected:

  • Cosco Alpha Omega
    22C15BNP, 22C15CRK, 22C15ROR, 22C15TUX, 22C26BNG, 22C26GRH
  • Cosco Alpha Omega Elite
    22C51HMR, 22C51TRP, 22155CSPH
  • Eddie Bauer 3 in 1
    22C75AFD, 22C75ARD, 22C75EBN, 22C75MPB, 22C76SHL
  • Eddie Bauer Deluxe 3 in 1
    22C71BGL, 22C71BLD, 22C71MAC, 22756CLRS, 22756CBAL, 22757CMRC, 22757CLKM
  • Safety 1st Enspira
    22C50TWL, 22C50WFD
  • Safety 1st Intera
    22C46BDF, 22C46BDN, 22C46BKY, 22C46GEO

Dates of Manufacture:
November 1, 2003 - December 31, 2005

Number of Units:

Geographic Distribution:
Across Canada






When in the forward-facing mode, the harness system that holds the child into the child seat can loosen. The resulting slack in the harness system reduces the effectiveness of the child seat in the event of a motor vehicle collision and increases the head excursion of the child.

Background and Company Action:

Transport Canada received a complaint stating that during normal driving manoeuvres the harness system would loosen. The car seat was procured from the complainant for examination. It was discovered that with minimal force, the harness system could be loosened. It appeared that the centre front adjuster, which is used for tightening and loosening the harness system, was not gripping the adjuster strap webbing and therefore allowed the harness to slip. This problem was reported to Dorel Distribution Canada. In addition, Transport Canada reported the problem to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration ( NHTSA ) in the United States for their review.

With subsequent complaints, Transport Canada was able to obtain a number of affected seats from the public. Dynamic crash testing was performed and the problem was confirmed. It appears that if there is a minimal amount of existing slack in the harness system (one finger inserted between the harness and the chest of the child), the harness could loosen excessively leaving the child unprotected during collision. In addition, Transport Canada hired an outside contractor to perform testing on all the individual components of the centre front adjuster to determine the problem.

Concurrently, Dorel Juvenile Group performed tests to isolate the problem, both through dynamic crash testing and engineering analysis of the centre front adjuster mechanism.

Safety Risk:

Should the harness system loosen, the child would not be fully protected in the event of a motor vehicle collision. The prescribed limit on the amount of forward head excursion that can be experienced by the crash test dummy during dynamic testing helps to reduce the risk of injury that a child occupant may incur as a result of contact with vehicle interior surfaces during a motor vehicle collision. The loosening of the harness system and subsequent excessive movement of the child’s body and head could lead to serious injury.

To date, there have been no reported injuries associated with this problem.

Company Action:

Dorel Juvenile Group, Inc. and Dorel Distribution Canada have completed an intensive research program to develop an engineering solution. Part of this effort involves a change of supplier for the centre front adjuster. The new centre front adjuster does not allow for harness slippage. The fix offered by the company is a knit adjuster strap, instead of a woven strap, which will eliminate any slippage.

Consumer Recourse:

Consumers who have completed and returned their registration card will receive notice by mail. Those who have not sent in the registration card should contact Dorel Distributions Canada at the toll free number (1-800-219-0540) or via email at

Until the replacement adjuster strap is received, Dorel Distributions Canada recommends the continued use of the product.

Transport Canada: 1-800-333-0371

Release Date: August 31, 2007