Defects and recalls of vehicles, tires and child car seats

Look up recalls, report a potential safety defect, find results of defect investigations, get recall updates and alerts.

Services and information

Services and information

Report a potential safety defect

Tell us about a safety problem with your vehicle, tire or child car seat.

Look up defect investigations

View lists of active and closed investigations, read notices of decision.

Stay informed about recalls

Search the recalls database, browse our web feed, download our recalls and alerts app.

Find a vehicle, tire or child car seat manufacturer

Search for recalls by vehicle identification number (VIN), register your tires or child car seat to get recall notices.

Safety alerts and notices for child car seats

Search by manufacturer, model and date.

The importance of having recalled vehicles repaired

What to do if your vehicle is recalled, get notified of recalls, check for recalls when buying a used vehicle.