ZEV Council Dashboard

Developed in collaboration with the ZEV Council, this dashboard provides quarterly updates on new light-duty and medium- and heavy-duty zero-emission vehicle market share, data on incentive program uptake, and information on the deployment of charging and hydrogen refuelling stations, including federal investments in this space.

On this page

light duty zev icon Light-Duty ZEV Market Share (Q1 2024)

Note: click Province/Territory to see data

Text version
≥ 15.0%
10.0% - 14.9%
5.0% - 9.9%
1.0% - 4.9%
Province Market Share (Q1 2024)
Newfoundland and Labrador 2.6%
Prince Edward Island 8.2%
Nova Scotia 4.3%
New Brunswick 7.2%
Quebec 28.3%
Ontario 7.9%
Manitoba 4.8%
Saskatchewan 2.8%
Alberta 4.4%
British Columbia 22.7%
Yukon 11.4%
Northwest Territories 1.8%
Nunavut N/A

New Light-Duty ZEV Market Share (Q1 2024)

Text description
2019 2.0% 1.1%
2020 2.7% 1.1%
2021 3.8% 1.8%
2022 6.8% 1.9%
2023 9.0% 2.7%
2024 YTD 9.2% 3.3%

Annual iZEV Claims (Mar 2024)

Text description
Year QC BC ON Rest of Canada
2019-20 23,079 14,220 5,379 1,271
2020-21 22,826 10,728 4,347 1,408
2021-22 30,816 16,365 8,134 3,008
2022-23 31,809 13,230 11,396 4,193
2023-24 YTD 79,427 37,249 36,696 12,353

2024 Calendar Year-to-Date
Source: S&P Global Mobility, New Registration Data – Data as of March 31, 2024

light duty zev icon Medium- and Heavy-Duty ZEV Market Share (Q1 2024)

Medium- and Heavy-Duty ZEV Market Share (Q1 2024)

Text description
2021 .2% 0% 0%
2022 .8% 0% 0%
2023 1.9% 0% 0%
2024 YTD 1.0% 0% 0%

Annual iMHZEV Claims (Mar 2024)

Text description
Year QC BC ON Rest of Canada
2022-23 146 99 65 42
2023-24 704 33 348 129

Note: click Province/Territory to see data

Text version
≥ 15.0%
10.0% - 14.9%
5.0% - 9.9%
1.0% - 4.9%
Province Market Share (Q1 2024)
Newfoundland and Labrador 0.6%
Prince Edward Island 1.1%
Nova Scotia 0.7%
New Brunswick 1.8%
Quebec 3.5%
Ontario 0.7%
Manitoba 0.5%
Saskatchewan 0.2%
Alberta 0.1%
British Columbia 1.8%
Yukon 4.2%
Northwest Territories N/A
Nunavut N/A

2024 Calendar Year-to-Date
Source: S&P Global Mobility, New Registration Data – Data as of March 31, 2024

light duty zev icon Electric Vehicle to Port Ratios

Note: click Province/Territory to see data

Text version
≥ 15
10 - 14
5 - 9
1 - 4
Province Charging station data
Newfoundland and Labrador 117 EV Stations
  • 33 L3 ports
  • 150 L2 ports
Prince Edward Island 145 EV Stations
  • 23 L3 ports
  • 268 L2 ports
Nova Scotia 213 EV Stations
  • 43 L3 ports
  • 387 L2 ports
New Brunswick 219 EV Stations
  • 132 L3 ports
  • 305 L2 ports
Quebec 4,114 EV Stations
  • 1,577 L3 ports
  • 8,126 L2 ports
Ontario 3,493 EV Stations
  • 1,529 L3 ports
  • 7,825 L2 ports
Manitoba 220 EV Stations
  • 119 L3 ports
  • 321 L2 ports
Saskatchewan 167 EV Stations
  • 162 L3 ports
  • 189 L2 ports
Alberta 620 EV Stations
  • 279 L3 ports
  • 1,183 L2 ports
British Columbia 2,016 EV Stations
  • 1,202 L3 ports
  • 4,100 L2 ports
Yukon 23 EV Stations
  • 19 L3 ports
  • 11 L2 ports
Northwest Territories 3 EV Stations
  • 2 L3 ports
  • 2 L2 ports
Nunavut N/A

Vehicles in Operation
(as of Jan 2024)

Light-Duty BEVs = 418,800 (1.7%)
Light-Duty PHEVs = 176,800 (0.7%)
Light-Duty FCEVs = 300 (0.0%)

MH-Duty BEVs = 4,590 (0.2%)

Total Charging and Refuelling Stations

11,350 EV Stations
-5,120 L3 Ports
-22,867 L2 Ports

6 Hydrogen Stations
-5 in British Columbia
-1 in Quebec

2024 Calendar YTD
Source: Electric Charging and Alternative Fuelling Stations Locator, Natural Resources Canada – Data as of May 2024 - S&P Global Mobility - VIO – Data as of Jan 1, 2024


Total Ports Selected for Funding by Natural Resources Canada by Province and Territory
(not including ports with no location yet identified)

Text description
or Territory
Planned 7,338 8,200 2,392 1,062 713 273 145 100 13 47 21
Opened 5,614 2,240 1,613 305 603 115 121 59 109 66 14
Province or Territory Planned Opened
ON 7,338 5,614
BC 8,200 2,240
QC 2,392 1,613
NS 1,062 305
AB 713 603
MB 273 115
NB 145 121
SK 100 59
PE 13 109
NL 47 66
YK 21 14
  • 42,444 ports selected for funding by NRCan
    10,859 ports are opened
    20,304 ports are planned with a known location
    11,281 are planned with no known location yet
  • Includes:
    Zero-Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Program
    Electric Vehicle and Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Deployment Initiative

Cumulative Number of Public Light-Duty EV Charging PortsFootnote *

Text description
Year L2 L3
2017 2289 275
2018 3273 333
2019 5340 1114
2020 6199 1589
2021 8361 2203
2022 12039 2929
2023 21183 4829
March 2024 22594 5026

light duty zev icon Ratio of Light-Duty EVs to Public EV Charging PortsFootnote *

Text version
≥ 20
15 - 19
10 - 14
1 - 9
< 1
Province Charging port data
Newfoundland and Labrador 1,936 EV count
  • Total public port: 180
  • EV-to-public port ratio: 11
Prince Edward Island 1,877 EV count
  • Total public port: 291
  • EV-to-public port ratio: 6
Nova Scotia 5,906 EV count
  • Total public port: 414
  • EV-to-public port ratio: 14
New Brunswick 4,650 EV count
  • Total public port: 420
  • EV-to-public port ratio: 11
Quebec 275,586 EV count
  • Total public port: 9,578
  • EV-to-public port ratio: 29
Ontario 167,203 EV count
  • Total public port: 9,181
  • EV-to-public port ratio: 18
Manitoba 5,249 EV count
  • Total public port: 427
  • EV-to-public port ratio: 12
Saskatchewan 3,234 EV count
  • Total public port: 427
  • EV-to-public port ratio: 12
Alberta 23,194 EV count
  • Total public port: 1,460
  • EV-to-public port ratio: 16
British Columbia 162,998 EV count
  • Total public port: 5,285
  • EV-to-public port ratio: 31
Yukon 165 EV count
  • Total public port: 30
  • EV-to-public port ratio: 6
Northwest Territories 53 EV count
  • Total public port: 4
  • EV-to-public port ratio: 13
Nunavut 3 EV count
  • Total public port: 0
  • EV-to-public port ratio: 0

National EV to Public Charging Port Ratio

24 EVs: Port,

  • Total EVs (BEV and PHEV) 652,054
  • Total Ports (L2 and L3) 27,620

Total Public EV Charging Ports and Refuelling Stations

27,620 Total Ports

  • 5,026 L3 Ports
  • 22,594 L2 Ports

6 Hydrogen Stations

  • 5 in British Columbia
  • 1 in Quebec

Total Vehicles in Operation (VIO)

  • Light-Duty BEVs = 461,416 (1.9%)
  • Light-Duty PHEVs = 190,638 (0.9%)
  • Light-Duty FCEVs = 300 (0.0%)
  • MH-Duty BEVs = 4,590 (0.2%)

NRCan and Canada Infrastructure Bank (CIB) funded LDV and MHDV EV Charging PortsFootnote *

NRCan funded chargers: Zero-Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Program and Electric Vehicle and Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Deployment Initiative.
CIB has selected for financing 4,000 EV charging ports to be deployed by 2027/28. Locations and year over year deployment are to be determined.

323 MHDV ports fall under the planned category.

Text description

Note: Provincial VIO data is sourced from S&P Global Mobility while Territorial data is sourced from Statistics Canada. Statistics Canada’s most up-to-date vehicle registration data is from 2022.

Year Open public ports Open private ports Total planned ports
2017 31 0 0
2018 124 0 0
2019 319 0 0
2020 722 0 0
2021 1954 299 0
2022 3693 3330 0
2023 5342 7374 0
March 2024 5358 7451 0
Planned 0 0 33435

Private charging: ports located on private land and providing charging services to a restricted number of EV drivers determined by the station operator.
Public charging: charging ports on public or private land that can be used by any EV driver.
EV-to-Port ratio: the number of EVs relative to available EV charging ports. A smaller number is generally better; however, there are optimal ratios.

Total Open and Planned NRCan Funded EV Charging Ports per Province

Text version
> 10,000
1,000 - 9,999
100 - 999
1 - 99
Province Total ports
Newfoundland and Labrador Total EV charging ports funded: 116
  • Open: 79
  • Planned: 37
Prince Edward Island Total EV charging ports funded: 122
  • Open: 109
  • Planned: 13
Nova Scotia Total EV charging ports funded: 1,493
  • Open: 422
  • Planned: 1,071
New Brunswick Total EV charging ports funded: 332
  • Open: 160
  • Planned: 172
Quebec Total EV charging ports funded: 3,872
  • Open: 1,553
  • Planned: 2,319
Ontario Total EV charging ports funded: 14,398
  • Open: 7,126
  • Planned: 7,272
Manitoba Total EV charging ports funded: 471
  • Open: 212
  • Planned: 259
Saskatchewan Total EV charging ports funded: 193
  • Open: 68
  • Planned: 125
Alberta Total EV charging ports funded: 1,465
  • Open: 711
  • Planned: 754
British Columbia Total EV charging ports funded: 10,949
  • Open: 2,351
  • Planned: 8,598
Yukon Total EV charging ports funded: 39
  • Open: 18
  • Planned: 21
Northwest Territories Total EV charging ports funded: 0
  • Open: 0
  • Planned: 0
Nunavut Total EV charging ports funded: 0
  • Open: 0
  • Planned: 0

46,244 Total EV Charging Ports Funded

  • Open: 12,809
  • Planned with a location (including 323 MHDV EV charging ports): 20,641
  • Planned with locations to be determined (including CIB): 12,794