Approved Check Pilot (ACP) / Advanced Qualification Program (AQP) Evaluator Bulletin No. 02/24








Pilot Proficiency Check (PPC), Manoeuvres Validation (MV) and Line Operational Evaluation (LOE) - Candidate Medical Eligibility Requirements


  1. This bulletin updates policies on establishing candidate(s) eligibility regarding medical certificate requirements where a PPC, MV or LOE is delivered in a Flight Simulator Training Device (FSTD).


  1. ACP Manual, Section 6.26 (2)(a) specifies that to be eligible for a PPC, candidates must present a valid category one (1) medical certification or equivalent document.
  2. AQP Evaluator Manual, Sections 8.6.5 (a), 8.7.5 (a) and 8.10.9 (a) specify that to be eligible for a MV (i.e., Manoeuvres Proficiency Validation (MPV) or Manoeuvres Training Validation (MTV)) or LOE, candidates must present a valid medical respectively.
  3. A review of Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs) and associated Commercial Air Service Standards (CASS) has been undertaken to provide additional operator and candidate flexibilities regarding medical certification requirements where the subject events are delivered in a Flight Simulator Training Device (FSTD). This review also considered practices found in another Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) jurisdiction, namely the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).


  1. Present candidate medical requirements for the subject CAR Part VII events are based on requirements found under CAR 421.14 (1) which states: “For admission to the fight test for a permit, licence or rating, the applicant shall have met the medical standards and hold a valid medical certificate appropriate to the permit, licence or rating for which application is made.”
  2. While certain PPCs and MVs also serve as a CAR Part IV skills test, those that are conducted in a simulator and are recurrent in nature do not require a medical under CAR Part VII.
  3. As a comparison, U.S. Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) part 61.23 (b) specifies “Operations not requiring a medical certificate” and that “[a] person is not required to hold a medical certificate … (10) When taking a practical test or a proficiency check for a certificate, rating … in a … simulator, or flight training device”.
  4. After reviewing CAR Parts IV and VII requirements and considering U.S. Title 14 CFR requirements, it is prudent to modernize PPC, MV and LOE candidate medical requirements at this time.

Policy Update – Approved Check Pilot (ACP) Program

  1. Effective immediately, ACPs establishing candidate eligibility as per the ACP Manual (TP6533) may allow a candidate to undergo a PPC (initial, recurrent or upgrade) in a FSTD without a valid category one (1) medical certification where that PPC will not be used as a CARs Part IV flight (i.e., skills) test towards a new permit, licence or rating. ACPs will continue to request a medical certificate to determine and document the status.
    Note: Related policies duplicated from the ACP Manual in the PPC and Aircraft Type Rating Flight Test Guides (TP14727 and TP14828) are also affected.
  2. Where no valid medical certification is provided, a PPC may proceed if:
    1. the PPC will not serve as a skills test under CARs Part IV, and
    2. no temporary privileges will be annotated in the Aviation Document Booklet (ADB).
  3. ACPs will continue to complete the Competency Record found in the candidate’s Aviation ADB, as required.
  4. PPCs completed in an FSTD, where no valid medical certification is provided by the candidate, may be used in support of instrument recency and CAR 604 operations as applicable.
  5. In all cases, pilots are to be reminded that, as per CAR 401.03(1), “… no person shall act as a flight crew member or exercise the privileges of a flight crew permit, licence or rating unless (a) the person holds the appropriate permit, licence or rating; (b) the permit, licence or rating is valid; (c) the person holds the appropriate medical certificate”.

    Note: CAR 101.01 states that a “… flight crew member means a crew member assigned to act as pilot or flight engineer of an aircraft during flight time” and therefore does not apply to checking activities conducted in a FSTD.

Policy Update – Advanced Qualification Program (AQP)

  1. Effective immediately, AQPEs establishing candidate eligibility as per the AQP Evaluator Manual may allow a candidate to undergo an MPV, MTV or LOE in an FSTD without a valid medical. However, AQPEs will continue to request a medical certificate to determine the status.
  2. Where no valid medical certification is provided, an MPV, MTV or LOE may proceed if:
    1. these events will not serve as skills tests (equivalent to a PPC) under CARs Part IV.
    2. no temporary privileges are added to the Aviation Document Booklet (ADB).
  3. ACPs will continue to complete the Competency Record found in the candidate’s ADB, as required.
  4. PPCs completed in an FSTD, where no valid medical certification is provided by the candidate, may be used in support of instrument recency as applicable.
  5. In all cases, pilots are to be reminded that, as per CAR 401.03(1) that “… no person shall act as a flight crew member or exercise the privileges of a flight crew permit, licence or rating unless (a) the person holds the appropriate permit, licence or rating; (b) the permit, licence or rating is valid; (c) the person holds the appropriate medical certificate”.

    Note: CAR 101.01 states that a “… flight crew member means a crew member assigned to act as pilot or flight engineer of an aircraft during flight time” and therefore does not apply to checking activities conducted in a FSTD.

Effective Date

  1. This bulletin is effective immediately.


Yvan Chabot
Commercial Flight Standards (AARTF)