4.1 Fire Fighting

Training Objective:

The trainee will be able to identify the types of fire, fire detection and fire fighting systems and the established fire fighting procedures.


Crew Responsibilities
Procedures - Cabin
Procedures - External

4.1A General

4.1A.1 Identify the threat to safety from in-flight fires.

4.1A.2 Identify hazards associated with onboard fires including toxicity of smoke/fumes, flammability of cabin materials, variety of combustible materials.

4.1A.3 Identify the impediments to fire fighting onboard aircraft including limited visibility due to smoke/fumes, fire fighting in confined space, difficulty in locating/accessing the source of the fire, limited resources to fight the fire and distance to suitable airport for landing.

4.1A.4 Describe experience(s) with fire accidents/incidents. Identify the safety lessons learned as a result.

4.1A.5 Describe the legislated requirements regarding fire safety (e.g. onboard smoke detectors, waste receptacle fire extinguishers, fire resistant seat cushions, floor lighting, etc.).

4.1A.6 Define fire chemistry, including the elements, which must be present for fire to occur (e.g. fuel, heat, oxygen, chemical reactions).

4.1A.7 List the classes of fire which may occur on aircraft: ClassA - combustible material fires, ClassB - grease/spill fires, ClassC - electrical, and ClassD - fire involving metals and the possible sources for these fires.

4.1A.8 Describe importance of early detection and correct recognition.

4.1A.9 Identify the characteristics and behaviour of fire (e.g. what you will see, how the fire will behave) in different cabin environments and fire propagation.

4.1A.10 Describe the means of fire/smoke detection (e.g. smell, auditory, visual, tactile).

4.1A.11 Describe the chemical properties of each type of fire extinguisher, including hazards to occupants and aircraft systems and how it extinguishes fire.

4.1A.12 Describe each piece of fire fighting equipment onboard (including protective breathing equipment, protective clothing) and include the following in the description:

  1. Purpose;
  2. Stowage, location, access, retrieval;
  3. Serviceability;
  4. Operation;
  5. Duration;
  6. Limitations;
  7. Conditions of use; and
  8. Care after use.

4.1B Crew Responsibilities

4.1B.1 Identify the responsibility for crew to maintain situational awareness and investigate immediately whenever an onboard fire situation is suspected and when an onboard fire detection system is activated.

4.1B.2 Identify the importance and responsibility to be prepared to implement appropriate fire fighting procedures.

4.1B.3 Define the specific crew member responsibilities for fire fighting onboard:

  1. Fighting fire;
  2. Back-up equipment/second fire fighter;
  3. Communication; and
  4. Passenger control.

4.1B.4 List fire prevention measures and crew responsibilities for fire prevention including but not limited to:

  1. Practicing and maintaining safe work habits;
  2. Enforcing smoking regulations;
  3. Monitoring cabin, lavatories, and cargo compartments;
  4. Awareness of popped circuit breaker procedures; and
  5. Prompt investigation of fire detection alarms, unusual odours, heat build-up, deformation of aircraft components, etc.

4.1B.5 Describe the importance of crew coordination in fire fighting and identify ways that this may be achieved.

4.1B.6 Describe the importance of crew communication in fire fighting and providing pilot-in-command with accurate information on fire source, location, extent/severity or fire/smoke, fire fighting actions.

4.1C Procedures - Cabin

4.1C.1 Describe the fire fighting procedures for specific types of fires (e.g. galley, oven, lavatory, electrical, upholstery, etc.).

4.1C.2 Describe the techniques and procedures for fighting fires including finding the source of the fire, type of extinguisher to use, additional fire fighting equipment needed, techniques for using extinguishers, complications to fighting types of fires, limitations to fighting fires, post-fire procedures, crew communication, crew coordination procedures and passenger-handling.

4.1C.3 Identify ways to maintain breathing comfort for cabin occupants.

4.1C.4 Define flashover and flash-fire. Describe the cause of each and the conditions under which each is likely to occur.

4.1D Procedures - External

4.1D.1 Identify the types of external fires, which could affect flight safety including but not limited to:

  1. Engine fires;
  2. APU and engine torching;
  3. Fuel spill/apron fires;
  4. Fires on loading bridges; and
  5. Service vehicle fires.

4.1D.2 Describe established procedures for dealing with fire situations including recognition, crew communication and crew coordination.

4.1D.3 Identify the communication and coordination required with ground personnel and describe the fire fighting assistance ground personnel can offer and the assistance crew members can provide to ground personnel.