Safety Promotion & Education
Finding the "time in your tanks".
- Log accurate flight times, power settings and fuel used on each trip.
- Count flight time as startup to shutdown.
- Compute fuel consumption (per hour) after a few flights under similar operating conditions.
- Determine usable fuel from pilot's operating handbook (POH).
- Ensure proper conversion for units used: (imp gals to litres; US gals to litres; pounds to litres). Conversion charts can be found in the CFS.
- Your safe flight time limit is:
Usable fuel x 3 = _____ hrs (resolve never to fly longer)
(Fuel units)/hr x 4
- In flight, compute fuel used:
(Fuel units)/hr x min flown = ______ (fuel units) used
- If fuel gauges do not agree with computed (fuel units) used, suspect inaccurate readings or a loose fuel cap.
Fuel management checklist
When computing a safe flight time limit for your flight, consider:
- Trip length
- Cruise altitude
- Engine power settings
- Wind (don't count on forecast tailwinds)
- Regulatory and company fuel reserves
- Number of passengers and load
- If actual flight time progress lags behind planned progress you may have to land short of destination
- Use the proper grade of fuel; colour check fuel grade when refuelling; if proper grade unavailable, use the next higher grade. (Always refer to POH)
- Draincock check for water and fuel cleanliness
- Visually check quantity before startup, preferably using an accurate dipstick
- Know the fuel system - especially the tank selectors
- When selecting fuel tanks don't rely on feel alone - look. Don't reposition fuel tank selectors just before takeoff or landing.
- Get familiar with mixture control.
Mixture control
- A proper mixture control gives:
- improved engine efficiency
- fuel economy, and longer range
- reduced maintenance costs, longer sparkplug life, less fouling
- use the engine builder's vast experience - consult the POH
Time in Your Tanks - TP 2228-23
(PDF, 270 KB)