ASC 2005-025
Aerodrome and Air Navigation
330 Sparks Street, Place de Ville, Tower C
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0N8
Distribution List
Aerodrome Safety Circular ASC 2005-025
Restricted instrument procedure (RIP).
In accordance with its assigned mandate for the provision of aeronautical information services, as stated in the Civil Air Navigation Services Commercialization Act, NAV CANADA inaugurated a publication called the Restricted Canada Air Pilot (RCAP) on June 10, 2004. This new publication contains instrument procedures that are not compliant with the standards and criteria contained in TP 308, Criteria for the Development of Instrument Procedures.
A letter was forwarded to aerodrome operators and air carriers in May 2004, intending to prepare them for this change in service provision and provide them with the necessary information. Subsequently, an Aeronautical Information Circular (AIC), a Commercial and Business Aviation Advisory Circular (CBAAC) and a TP 308 Advisory Circular were published to provide additional guidance.
The attached Aerodrome Safety Circular (ASC # 2005-25) is intended to provide guidance to all aerodrome operators with respect to this change in service provision.
Thomas R. Fudakowski, Acting Director
Aerodromes and Air Navigation
Civil Aviation