Operational Airworthiness
Introduction of Airworthiness Notices
(This Airworthiness Notice supersedes AN No. A001 Edition 3 )
(dated 28 June 1996.)
This notice provides information about the Airworthiness Notice (AN) publication.
The Airworthiness Notice was first introduced in 1993 as a replacement for the former Notice to Aircraft Maintenance Engineers and Aircraft Owners (N-AME-AO), which is now completely phased out.
Depending on the subject matter, Ans are issued either individually or jointly by the Aircraft Certification Branch or the Maintenance and Manufacturing Branch of Transport Canada's Safety and Security Group, Civil Aviation Directorate. They are published by the Continuing Airworthiness Division at Transport Canada Headquarters in Ottawa.
Airworthiness Notices are published in four series, depending on the type of information presented or the distribution required:
Series A | Administrative matters | White paper |
Series B | Matters directly affecting airworthiness | Pink paper |
Series C | Matters concerning only aircraft maintenance engineers (AMEs) | Yellow paper |
Series D | Similar to Series B, but generally concerning only a limited number of aircraft owners | Blue paper |
Ans are identified by a series letter, a sequence number (within the series), an edition number (to indicate the first or subsequent releases on the same subject), a date of issue and a title (subject). For example, AN A001 Edition 3, 28 June 1996, Introduction of Airworthiness Notices, was the third release of the first AN in Series A (administrative matters) and was issued on 28 June 1996.
Individual Ans may be cancelled or revised from time to time. Revisions of existing Ans normally bear the same number with a revised edition number and date. Whenever practical, changes are highlighted by vertical bars in the right margin.
The D series of AN disseminates information similar to that found in Series B, but which concerns only a limited number of the normal AN recipients. Distribution of Series D notices is normally very minimal. For example, the former AN B024, Single-Pilot Operation of the Cessna Models 500, 550, S550, 552 and 560 Aircraft, was re-issued in the D series as AN D002, for distribution only to owners/operators of those specific aircraft models, approved organizations, libraries, etc.
An index is published periodically to record the revision status of all current Ans.
Airworthiness Notices are distributed to owners of aircraft listed on the Canadian civil aircraft register, to licensed AMEs, to Transport Canada approved organizations, and to others as indicated in the accompanying table. There is no charge for Ans.
Aircraft owners | YES | YES | NO | SOME |
AMEs | YES | YES | YES | NO |
Approved organizations e.g. AMOs, AEOs | YES | YES | YES | YES |
Others, e.g. DARs, schools, libraries | YES | YES | YES | YES |
- Newly licensed AMEs are automatically sent a full set of Ans upon issue of their licence, and all new editions thereafter.
- New aircraft owners may request a full set of Ans (see Inquiries, below).
- Additional copies of Ans may be authorized in exceptional circumstances (see Inquiries, below).
- The only aircraft owners to receive Series D notices will be those whose aircraft are specifically addressed by the particular AN.
Ans are published in separate English and French language versions. AN recipients may select the language of their choice (see the note at the bottom of page 1).
ANs are also now viewable on the Transport Canada Internet site at tc.canada.ca (select "Aviation", then "Maintenance and Manufacturing" menu items).
Inquiries about the technical content of any Airworthiness Notice should be directed to the Airworthiness office at the nearest Transport Canada Centre (TCC), or to the appropriate headquarters branch in Ottawa (identified by the signature at the end of the notice) at either:
Transport Canada
Aircraft Certification - AARD
Ottawa, Canada K1A 0N8
Telephone (613) 952-4337
Facsimile (613) 996-9178
Transport Canada
Maintenance and Manufacturing - AARP
Ottawa, Canada K1A 0N8
Telephone (613) 952-4372
Facsimile (613) 952-3298
Inquiries concerning the distribution of Ans, including requests for addition to the mailing lists, should be addressed to:
Transport Canada
Continuing Airworthiness Division - AARDG
Ottawa, Canada K1A 0N8
Telephone (613) 952-4370
Facsimile (613) 996-9178
It is important that aviation personnel receive, in a timely manner, all Transport Canada publications to which they are entitled. Please ensure that the department is kept informed of your proper mailing address.
AMEs wishing to change their mailing address may advise their local TCC Personnel Licensing office, the Continuing Airworthiness Division in Ottawa (see address above), or:
Go to the following website to change your address. In addition to the information requested, in the section titled "Air Licence No." enter your AME licence number.
Aircraft owners changing their address are required, within seven days of the change, to notify their local TCC Aircraft Registration and Leasing office, or:
Transport Canada
Aircraft Registration and Leasing - AARRC
Ottawa, Canada K1A 0N8
Telephone (613) 990-6337
Facsimile (613) 990-6215
Outdated References
Most other Transport Canada documents which made reference to N-AME-AOs have now been updated to reflect the existence of Airworthiness Notices. Any remaining references to N-AME-AOs should be translated to refer to Airworthiness Notices.
Further, with the reorganization of Transport Canada Aviation in 1996/97, a number of ANs contain outdated references to the headquarters and regional contact points within the new Civil Aviation structure. These references will be updated when the respective ANs are revised for their substantive content.
For Minister of Transport
K.J. Mansfield
Acting Director,
Aircraft Certification
D.B. Sherritt
Acting Director,
Maintenance and Manufacturing