LOCATION: Lac-Mégantic and municipalities of Frontenac and Nantes

ISSUE/SOURCE: Lac-Mégantic Rail Bypass Project

DATE: May 17, 2022


  • The Lac-Mégantic Rail Bypass Project is a priority for the federal government. Our government continues to work in collaboration with its partners and is committed to providing owners with a fair and equitable value for their properties.
  • The negotiations with the impacted landowners to acquire the land required for the project are ongoing.  At the request of the community, Transport Canada has granted an additional 3-month extension for the negotiation period, until August 12, 2022.
  • The Government of Canada is committed to completing this project as quickly as possible, in accordance with the desired pace of the broader community.  Our government is sensitive to the concerns and feedback of the community and will take proactive measures to mitigate any project impacts.
  • Construction of the bypass will begin once the necessary lands have been acquired and all regulatory approvals have been obtained, including the Canadian Transportation Agency's approval.

If Pressed

  • The Government of Canada granted an additional $237M in Budget 2022 to continue supporting the project.  


  • On May 11, 2018, the Prime Minister of Canada, together with the Premier of Québec, announced the rail bypass in Lac-Mégantic.  The project, which was estimated to cost $133 million at the time of the announcement, is to be funded by the federal government (60%) and the Province (40%).
  • In December 2019, Canadian Pacific (CP) Railway bought the Central Maine & Québec Railway, and have indicated publicly they will continue to support the project.
  • The feasibility study conducted by the municipality of Lac-Mégantic was completed with the submission of the final report by the engineering firm AECOM in September 2020. This report was transmitted to the Canadian Pacific Railway for review.
  • Transport Canada and the CP Railway signed an agreement on May 27, 2021, enabling the launch of the plans and specifications phase, and initiating negotiations with land owners to acquire the properties required for the bypass.
  • As part of the Canadian Transportation Agency's (CTA) application process, TC held a public consultation period from January 21 to February 4, 2022, on the proposed rail bypass. A consultation report outlining the community's comments, concerns and suggestions was prepared and submitted to the CTA in April 2022. The CTA will begin its review process once CP’s application is finalized in the spring of 2022.
  • On May 4, 2022, the municipality of Frontenac issued a press release indicating its withdrawal of support for the project. In justifying this withdrawal, the municipality cited a lack of social acceptability, the impacts of the project on the water table and wells, and concerns about the construction of future tracks in the Frontenac area.
  • As part of the project, multiple measures will be implemented to mitigate impacts on groundwater and private water wells. Amongst others, targeted drinking wells will be monitored during construction and for a period of two years following completion of the work. In the event that water flow or water contamination problems occur due to the presence of the railway, new wells will be built at no cost to property owners.